King James Bible Only Based on God's Word
Dear Jeremy,
There is something of which every Christian should be aware. The early English Bibles (Tyndale, King James, etc.) were translated from the Received Text, which is the true text of Scripture which has been used by Christians throughout history. It has withstood severe attacks of the enemy from the beginning. God Himself promised to preserve His words (Psalm 12:6-7 KJB), and those words are the Received Text of Scripture. The fruit of the Received Text is widespread salvation of souls, and confidence in the Bible as God's perfect, infallible word.
The new versions of the Bible are based on corrupted underlying texts, as well as contain errors, lies, contradictions, etc. They are Satan's attempt to corrupt the word of God (2 Corinthians 2:17 KJB), and cause great doubt in the minds of believers and unbelievers alike on the infallibility of God's word. The differences between these underlying texts are not minor. They have great significance, and are being used as an instrument to destroy confidence in the Bible as the infallible, preserved word of God. The new versions pretend to give clarity, but are in reality giving inaccurate readings and thus inaccurate results. These new versions as well as their underlying textual criticism is culminating in unity with the Roman Catholic Church, which has long sought to destroy the Protestant Reformation, as well as the Bible (Recieved Text) of the Protestant Reformation. The new versions are, in reality, based on texts of which the Roman Catholic Church approves. In fact, there is an edition of the Roman Catholic New American Bible which lists the King James Bible as the number one forbidden book on its Index of Forbidden Books.
In addition, the Septuagint is not what it is commonly claimed to be. Many are deceived by the the idea that Jesus and the apostles used the Septuagint. David Daniels has a 5 part series showing the truth about the Septuagint called "Was There a BC Septuagint?" Phil Stringer also has a video called "The Truth About the LXX Septuagint"
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