Radioactive Fountains of the Deep

Jeremy Auldaney: Very interesting. This would effect radiometric dating, showing why it doesn't represent the age of volcanic rocks. And that radioactive elements are not constant under certain circumstances during the Deluge and Peleg's Division. And it would cause premature aging in living organisms. It contradicts the formation of planets by accumulation of big bang debris. For informatiion on earth history involving subjects like this see: 

Andele Ampere to to  T
Hello Jeremy!
With respect to the scientific consensus that the Earth
had a Super-continent comprised of today’s continents;
also the scientific community never having made these
highest estimates:>
1.) The most pressurized water chambers it may have erupted.
2.) The most nuclear energies their lightning may have released (between whatever partitions may have divided water chambers that could have pressurized beneath all the Super-continent that our planet could possibly have had).
3.) The most tremendous waves and lightnings that Planet Earth thereby could have energized in a Super-continent.
If the physics community were to estimate the most subterranean reservoirs of pressurized waters that could have erupted out of the various sizes, strengths and/or configurations of a Super-continent our planet possibly had, it could lead to approximating the lightning that it may have had in its subterranean reservoirs of water (bolting
between partitions that might have divided subterranean cavities of water it erupted).
If the heavy, radioactive elements in all depths of
the fossil-bearing rock layers in our planet were in
it when it still had all the former connectedness of
its continents, then why are virtually all of them so
concentrated in its continents, and absent from its
other parts?
“The molten rock oozing from midocean ridges lacks much of the uranium, thorium, and other trace elements that spew from some above ground volcanoes.”
(Sid Perkins, “New Mantle Model Gets the Water Out,” Science News, Vol 164, 13 September 2003, p. 174)
“Radioactive materials are limited in occurrence to a surface shell.”
(Leonard R. Ingersoll, et al., Heat Conduction: With Engineering, Geological and Other Applications, revised edition [University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, 1954], p. 102)
“Earth’s radioactivity was confined to the crust, a few tens tens of kilometers thick.”
(John Stacey, Physics of the Earth, 3rd edition [1992], p. 45)
It has been stated that cosmic winds threw together the earth’s materials and they segregated into its core, mantle and crust by gravity and heat. But all of the heaviest nuclei (e.g., uranium) in it are concentrated in its continents; and
not towards its deeper parts (or at least evenly distributed) as they’d be if they were among the materials which our cosmos threw together to form it.
If as lightning plasma physics researcher Dr. Stanislav
Adamenko claims: “Strong interactions will be engaged
not just between two reacting nuclei but throughout large
ensembles of nuclei, which will form heavy nuclear clusters
as a result of system self-organization [12] and [13]. . .
In our research we utilize the effect of an electron beam
channel collapse induced by electron beam–solid target
interaction and beam self-focusing in the dense plasma [16] and [17] of the resultant virtual electrodes [18]. . . .
If it is true that nuclei, such as, oxygen and silicon, are bolting through a lightning side by side with high enough velocity; and there are enough electrons that travel in the opposite direction which are in them at the same time which cancel their positive charges that keep them apart: they can get so close as results in their nuclear forces interacting and making virtual pions that fuse them together, even combining nuclei to form heavy radio-
active nuclei. . . .
Then might Earth have energized such tremendous
waves and lightning intensities in a Super-continent
as fused nuclei together having formed heavy, radio-
active nuclei?
RE: Calculations on nuclei shooting side-by-side
through a lightning in all the super-continent that
our planet might have had, and all the reservoirs
of pressurized waters that may have erupted out
of it: wherein lightning released nuclear energies,
e.g., fusing free neutrons with individual protons -
released 2.225 MeV gamma rays for each fusion
into deuterium nuclei, deuterium fusing with bare
protons or with other deuterium nuclei (14 -23.85
MeV gamma rays emitted fusing into helium-3 or
helium-4 nuclei, respectively):
It is certainly possible for colleges around the globe
to estimate the most reservoirs of pressurized water
that Planet Earth could possibly have erupted out of
a Super-continent in order to historically reconstruct:
how could it have gone from not having to having its
52,000 miles-long, globe-circling chain of mountains,
continental shelf edges we can see fit it like a jigsaw
puzzle, and fractures in it and the crusts of its ocean
floors and beneath its continents.
It’s premature to conclude, without estimation of the
most water our planet could have pressurized in sub-
Super-continental chambers of water and estimating
the most nuclear energies that lightning in them may
have released, e.g. between partitions dividing them:
Planet Earth could not have made such big waves in
a Super-continent that lightning in it focused electron
velocities and densities through beams of nuclei that
bolted through them side-by-side resultant in fusions,
and combined them to form heavy, radioactive nuclei
and also disintegrated them, vastly accelerating their
rates of decays by having shot electrons into them.


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