Defend the Right to Study Fossils

At the Southern California Paleontological Society I am a member of last month they mentioned the ALAA which I heard about on a radio program and joined a few years ago. They are fighting for the freedom to do research and collecting of fossils, minerals, mining, timber, ranching. The Liberals want to stop all use of land by the people. The paleo society, and rock clubs, and I ask for your support. This group ALAA has a book War on the West. They nhave sued Clinton many times and won over unConstitutional land take overs, which are ongoing with that bastard in the White Washed House Obamanation.
American Lands Access Association, Inc.
ALAA - American Lands Access Association - Public Lands Access ... He asked 'it seems you and your organizations are always on the defensive, who don't you ...


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