The Olympics Celebration of Satanism
They are bringing back the Olympic Games to Los Angeles in 2028. The L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti said that we will follow the SUN to L.A. Do you know that the Olympic Games were based on Pagan Religious Festivals, like Beltane, where the best athletes represented the best people, which were sacrificed to the gods of Mt Olympus. And the main god was the SUN & fire god Baal also known as Lucifer 666. What is Eric Garcetti? He is part of the Illuminati's Liberal Conspiracy he is rallying Democrats against Trump. The History of the Olympic Games According to historical records, the Olympics games date back to 776 BC . Dedicated to the Olympian gods, the Olympics were held on the ancient plains of Olympia. Spanning for nearly 12 centuries, the Olympic games came to a quick halt when Emperor Theodosius banned such pagan cults in 393 A.D. A lot has changed since the end of the Roman Empire, but one thing remains the same. If you want to be an Olym...