
Showing posts from June, 2021

Mysteries of History Revealed

       I  expose the truth behind unexplained or suppressed documented facts of history and science. And reveal the origin of the agents who are setting up the New World Order and attacking American freedoms.     In the Introduction in my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1, I quote Dr. Henry Morris where he says there were two worldwide cataclysms; at the time of the worldwide Flood, and another about 5 generations - of 70 years - later during the days of Peleg when the earth was divided and continents separated. I discovered a cataclysm during Peleg’s Division 350 years after the Flood.  This cataclysm is confirmed in the Bible, historical accounts, geologic, meteoritic, and fossil record. I discovered evidence of two massive worldwide asteroid cataclysms in earth history ignored by Fake Science. The Peleg's Division cataclysm separated the the ancestors of today's Nephilim Royal bloodline attempting to rebuild Babel as the ...

Skinwalker Ranch & Electromagnetic Energy

          Skinwalker Ranch. The native Navajos claim Skinwalkers are Shamen (Witch Doctors or Medicine Men) who used their powers for evil. The ghosts of bloodthirsty wizards. The Giants (Nephilim) were known for being cannibals.        Skinwalkers being ghosts of wizards is based on superstition from legends.        Native peoples worldwide were scattered from Babel carrying on the Mysteries of Issus Religion of witchcraft, and worship of mother Earth goddess (nature) Gaia the mother of the hybrid humans the Nephilim.          The truth is these are manifestations of Demons who use the electromagnetic field of the earth to create electromagnetic holograms near lay lines, i.e. electromagnetic lines of current in the earth often marked by megalithic structures or Oak Trees. They use this electromagnetic power to mimic matter called transmogriphication.   And ...

Attack on Our Border!

        Chameleon Harris is in charge of boarder security, but she has refused to go there, and has done NOTHING except encourage illegal aliens. Both Biden and Harris are responsible for the attacks on our border, the spread of crime, and foreign diseases including Covid19. They are helping organized crime and terrorists to enter and destroy our country. I wonder how much the Cartels are paying them?     Communist countries all over the world are opening their prisons and sending their terrorists,  murderers, drug dealers , and thieves to America!     "See, I am going to the border."        Ranchers at the boarder say illegals have broken down their fences, released their cattle, stolen their cattle, pointed guns at their head, broken into their houses, and ranchers are afraid to let their children play in their own yard.        No wonder the reptile doesn’t want to go there. Th...

Satanic Attack on Charter Schools

                  This charter school is another example of why Texas is one of the best states for Patriots, Christians, freedom, and financial success.        And the Evolutionist and Anti-American, and Anti-Christian Left’s Conspiracy hates it and lies about it.      Which do you choose? Responsive Education Solutions - Wikipedia Responsive  Education Solutions, Inc. ( Responsive   Ed ) is a non-profit charter management organization headquartered in Lewisville, Texas, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Responsive Education Solutions (ResponsiveEd) is one of the largest charter school operators in the nation. The company is headquartered in Lewisville, Texas.          Here is a web site that is filled with lies by the Marxist United Nations...

David Larson Creation Scientist

  The Inland Empire Creation Science Association  Presents David Larsen, MA   speaking on:   “ Archaeological Anomalies & the Great Pyramids of Egypt ”             An anomaly is anything that does not “fit” into a prescribed narrative, or pre-existing suppositions.           Many such anomalies are found in geological and archaeological studies, but this presentation will demonstrate that the reason they don’t “fit” is because the pre-existing narrative of billions of years of slow and gradual processes is based on false naturalistic atheist assumptions, and a rejection of biblical history.       The reality is that neither archaeology, nor geology, nor even history, can be observed directly to be properly understood. And if a person rejects the fact of a worldwide flood that destroyed all of air-breathing life on earth a few thousand years ago. Then a person is left w...

They'll Drag You to Hell

        Drag Queens are seducing our children into immorality in order to destroy our country which was built on the belief in the family, God, and truth; and send us and our children to hell. This has happened all through history sex was used to seduce the Israelites by Canaanite women which were used as weapons to destroy their country. Samson was a classic example.   Woman of mass destruction.     What does it look like? Satan? How about these?        Our enemies are using the glamor and fun of men masquerading as feminine clowns to entice children to abandon the principles that made America Great.        Drag Queen Story Hour is a horrible idea. Indoctrinating children in the anti-Christian beliefs will result in chaos and destruction.   Children should be taught Christian values that made America Great. Putting children in a room with open sexual deviants is a terrible idea. Like...

Want a Gazillion Dollars For Nothing?

     Giving away trillions of dollars causes inflation where the dollar shrinks into nothing. Dollars represent the products you need and want. More dollars does not increase the products, it only takes away how much you can buy. Communist's have used counterfeiting as a means of destroying a country so they can take it over.       Communist Bernie Sanders is clever, he claims he is against getting rid of the filibuster. Why?       He wants 6 trillion dollars for phony infrastructure. And  will only compromise if the Republican's will surrender to his demands for money to help struggling families.       Do you know what that figure is? If I received one dollar from that amount it would be like $3 for every second since my birth in 1947 till today!      And if each dollar were laid out end to end around the  equator, how many times would it encircle the whole earth?    ...

Corrections to My Research on Dinosaur Tracks

    On August 15, 2016 I wrote an article. I had to update the information.      The gives false information on the dinosaur track site at Tuba City, Arizona which I researched and publish technical papers on.     Their web site does not allow comments, so I am posting it here.     She says they found fossil fish eggs, dinosaur dung (coprolites), and plants. This is wrong! These are nodules created by oozing sand that hardened in treelike burrows before the sediment hardened, and exposed by erosion thousands of years later.       In the Tuba City Kayenta strata there are only freshwater articulated Unio clams, rare petrified reptile and dinosaur bones, possible phytosaur and Dilophosaur teeth, petrified wood (part of the Araucarian pine trees found in the Petrified 'forest' Triassic strata, showing that the Permian and Triassic is the same horizon and same strata layer misidentified by evolutionist...

The Bombing of Iraq

        Joe Biden’s actions are irrational. Yesterday he bombed an instillation at the Iraq-Syria border, claiming they are involved in drone strikes against American troops.        And at the same time pleading to  re-enter the Iraq Nuclear Deal which will give Iraq millions of dollars of our tax money to arm their terrorists for attacks on Israel and Americans!? And support terrorists coming through our border to attack Americans! And Iraq will make wimpy Biden to accept ALL their demands!          This is the same thing Obama did. All it did was poke the enemy to make him more aggressive for an excuse to carry on a lucrative (for the CFR Illuminati and their banksters) project.          This is illegal, the Constitution says the President has to ask Congress before attacking another country.          The lying media and ...

The Genius of Albert Einstein Quotes

       Here are quotes from Albert Einstein  up in smoke , vs. my quotes:        “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”        No only God is infinite.        “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”        Two ways to live your life. Search for the truth, or believe a lie.        “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”        All of the imaginations of man are evil. Search for the truth, study the King James Bible as a foundation.        “If you can't explain it to a six y...

Truth vs. Lies Promoted by Big Tech

         Google Chrome (symbol of 666) puts beautiful pictures on your screen when you turn your computer on.       The recent one has a blasphemous  picture (Just like Kellogg's Lucky Charms cereal), of a beautiful rainbow, then has propaganda supporting LGBT immoral un-natural sex.      The rainbow was the sign of the covenant between God and man that he would not bring another worldwide Flood.     Rainbows are only seen as a bow on the ground, symbolizing physical creatures. Actually they are complete circles. These complete circles can only be seen from the air, symbolizing a person with spiritual understanding.       The circle is formed from a hexagram with 7 equal diameter objects close together, the basic structure of all art based on triangles, 3 and 6. And it is seen throughout creation.      God created space, matter, and time (3) and they all have hidden meaning...

Update on the War Against Patriots

        California is Blue over Sacramento’s mismanagement. Rep Mike Garcia California’s 25th District is making California Red Again.        Soros spent $80 million in 2020 to steal the election in North Carolina. You can save one seat in next election against the Democrat majority which is making America “Blue Blue My World is Blue.”        Good News Supreme Court (SCOTUS) supports the Rule of Law: Justices dismiss challenge to "remain in Mexico" policy ... Reported By   Amy   Howe  on Jun 21, 2021 at 8:52 pm. On a day on which the court issued major rulings on college sports and securities law, ... Innovation Law Lab, the Supreme Court dismissed the challenge to the Trump administration's " remain in Mexico "  policy , which allowed the Department of Homelan...