Attack on Our Border!

       Chameleon Harris is in charge of boarder security, but she has refused to go there, and has done NOTHING except encourage illegal aliens. Both Biden and Harris are responsible for the attacks on our border, the spread of crime, and foreign diseases including Covid19. They are helping organized crime and terrorists to enter and destroy our country. I wonder how much the Cartels are paying them?

    Communist countries all over the world are opening their prisons and sending their terrorists,  murderers, drug dealers, and thieves to America!

    "See, I am going to the border."

       Ranchers at the boarder say illegals have broken down their fences, released their cattle, stolen their cattle, pointed guns at their head, broken into their houses, and ranchers are afraid to let their children play in their own yard.

       No wonder the reptile doesn’t want to go there. This might get exposed to the American people.

       The Cartels are raping young girls and women, charging outrageous prices leaving children behind, and murdering some of them.     

       When the reptile heard Trump was going, she went to the safest part of the boarder for a photo op.  

       Months ago Harries was asked if she would go to the border, she laughed like a laughing hyena.   

       President Trump is at the boarder today.

       They are having a meeting discussing the dangers to Homeland Security.

       The drug running before Biden administration controlled by the (Marxist United Nation’s Illuminati) Council on Foreign Relations (CFRs) members was mainly harmless marijuana, about as bad as alcohol. But NOW Heroine and Fentanyl are the major smuggled items. Only 3 grams of fentanyl will kill an adult.

    By the way, it isn't only Covid19 that came from China. China is a source of smuggled drugs.  

       Smuggling has dramatically increased and is killing ignorant young people.

       This is why I have said that George Floyd was NOT killed by the police but by the Biden Administration.

       Floyd swallowed 9 grams of Fentanyl according to the autopsy, when he saw the police were pulling him over. It causes a person to be suffocated and go into insane panic attack.

       Why is NewsMax remaining silent about this? And supporting the illegal kangaroo trial conviction of the innocent officer who had to keep him down using a method taught in the police handbook? And the autopsy also confirmed that the knee on the throat did not do Floyd any serious harm.

       The policeman made only one mistake, he should have called 911.

        I have wondered why NewsMax and One America News doesn’t mention the guns that are also being smuggled across our boarder.

       Recently I heard someone on NewsMax or One America News mention that the smuggling of AK-47s have dramatically increased.

       The Radical Democrats want to disarm law abiding citizens, and force them to get a vaccinated. But they allow illegal aliens to cross our border with guns and don’t test them for viruses. They also falsely accuse Trump for doing what Biden has done and is doing!  This double standard exposes the fact that they are lying and their real goal is to destroy America, which is standing in the way of Antichrist’s Marxist New World Order under the United Nations plan Agenda 2030.


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