The War is ON!

Trump in the election fraud challenges, telling him to give in and concede. Fox News started out the trend election night by calling Arizona for Biden. RINO judges piled on, dismissing election challenges with flimsy excuses that no one bought. Gradually, elected officials have turned on him.

The MSM loves talking about the politician defectors but never explains why they’re deserting. They’re deserting because politics has never been about principles for those Republicans. They ran for office looking for fame and fortune; most of them are narcissists. They survive in office based on campaign contributions and other perks. They are beholden to the wealthy corporations, special interest groups and billionaires funding their reelections. Once those establishment players start threatening to withhold the money supply, they cave.

    The United Nations Communists want to create a world government of Antichrist, as described in Bible Prophecy. So they work to created wealth and help each other through secret societies through the centuries. They support corrupt greedy politicians who will follow their plans supported by millions of dollars from their foundations for their elections and make them rich. And support them using their control of the media and our educational establishments, and lie about Patriots and Christians who support the Constitution.     

Kevin McCarthy wants donations to help Republicans. He and Mitch O'Connell are lying RINO traitors. Donate to or a particular Conservative/Patriot who supports the Constitution, some of which are listed below. NOT to GOP or any Republican Committee. Trump's team knows where the donations should go for best results. 

     Can’t the GOP find better “leaders” than McCarthy and McConnell? Apparently not. These fools repeatedly attack the Republican conservative base, which has delivered them one electoral victory after another. They just refuse to govern as conservatives and resent being exposed and called out for it.

       Support Rich McCormick for Congress in Georgia's 7th district.

       New poll shows Trudor Dixon Michigan Governor defeating evil Gretchen Whitmer 52% to 41%. Help him keep the lead. 

       Ted Cruz says (Communist) Critical Race Theory supported by the teachers unions is infiltrating schools and creating hate against America.

    The Communist controlled teachers unions (NEA etc.) have been indoctrinating and dumbing down children and young people for decades with Darwinism turning them into atheists. And the NEA donates to Democrats. 

       Sign Petition to stop HR 1 which will destroy our election system.

       Support Rand Paul’s re-election, to stop Anthony Fauci’s lies and attacks on America.

       Biden wants to spy on everyone’s bank account so he can plan how to take it away in taxes.

       Charlie Kirk says support Turning Point Academy, and warns that a North Korean defector says Communist propaganda in American schools is worse than in North Korea.

       Ben Carson says support 1776 Citizen Pledge to recruit people to stand against Critical Race Theory indoctrination in our schools.  

       Rudi Giuliani endorsed Vernon Jones to replace RINO Governor Brian Kemp who allowed voter fraud in Georgia.

       128 police have been murdered in 2021 so far, caused by hate speech from Democrat politicians who want to defund and abolish the police so United Nation’s Communists can take over. Law Enforcement PAC is fighting to stop these politicians.


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