Great American Movies: Westerns

       Encore Westerns on DirecTV on channel 538 has western movies without commercials.

       These are not politically correct today in our evil counter culture. America used to believe in the Good, Bad, and the Ugly. This is why you don’t see cap guns among the toys, and seldom see a new western. They used guns called Peacemakers. Today the New Age Woke culture believes in good people (And Republicans) compromising and surrendering to evil. To accept sin as normal.

    All through history good people have fought bad people.

    Notice the evil Red Knight has the symbol of the Knights Templar Illuminati secret society.

       These westerns illustrate that all through history there has been a struggle between those who follow God and those who follow Satan. Who are heroes who do what is right and help others; and those who are cowards, lazy, greedy, lie, accept bribes, and cheat. Westerns often mention God and the Good Book.

       Today we must choose Democracy lynch mob rule, or a Republic based on God’s Natural Laws. And that is why people from all nations have come here legally to find freedom to do what is right. As a result America became the greatest nation on earth and history.

    Remember Gary Cooper in High Noon. That story was an illustration of Marxism taking over America. The town's people were scared cowards and would not help the outnumbered Sheriff who was going to stay for a gun fight with a gang of killers who controlled the town. 

    Then there was Ronald Reagan as a sheriff who faced a lynch mob who wanted to hang a prisoner before they had a trial to see if he was guilty. This was an illustration of Democracy in action. this is what is going on with Black Lives Matter, Antifa riots, supported by House Democrats, RINOS, and Marxist CFR controlled media. 

    In that western, Ronald Reagan represents the Republic under the law. Reagan actually continued to follow this as President and save our country form the Democrat's destruction of our freedoms under Jimmy Carter. And Carter is a good friend of Joe Biden. 

       Most of these movies have a moral message, and show that there are good People, and Bad people. And you cannot negotiate with bad people without some force of law or a weapon for self protection. This is why Marxist Liberals Socialists want to get rid of the filibuster in Congress, make Washington a state, pack the court, raise taxes, cause inflation, swamp us with immigrants and criminals, to destroy our Constitution, the police, our free speech, our border protection, and our guns.

       These movies are based on moral themes.


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