The Triangle at Skinwalker Ranch

               The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch update. 

        They are investigating the triangle area on the ranch, and its electromagnetic anomalies. 

    On Oak Island and at the ranch they should check for these earth current lay lines like those found at megalithic sites that go throughout the world. Where they cross are sacred sites to Pagans and their witchcraft power sites where they contact Demons.

        They are finding electromagnetic anomalies at the ranch in this triangle. Ground penetrating radar shows that there are many tunnels. And they suspect there may be water in some of these. I know from other sources that dowsing and other methods show that there are underground water flows under megalithic structures such as Stonehenge, which carry earth’s electromagnetic current at cross roads. 

        Dowsing is caused by electromagnetic influences on a person’s subconscious brain which causes the diviner’s involuntary muscles to respond subconsciously to electromagnetic signals. This is how telepathy works. The symbolic third eye, the eye in the Illuminati triangle.

       On Oak Island they are finding similar tunnels created by the Illuminati over centuries since the Phoenicians descendants of the Philistine giants who built megalithic structures all over the world 4 thousand years ago.

        And often compasses can detect these electromagnetic vortexes and spin. Like in the Bermuda Triangle. Their are underwater stone ruins are Pre-Flood ruins on the continental shelves. Flooded during the worldwide flood in 2348 BC triggered by a massive asteroid shower.


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