Want a Gazillion Dollars For Nothing?

    Giving away trillions of dollars causes inflation where the dollar shrinks into nothing. Dollars represent the products you need and want. More dollars does not increase the products, it only takes away how much you can buy. Communist's have used counterfeiting as a means of destroying a country so they can take it over. 

    Communist Bernie Sanders is clever, he claims he is against getting rid of the filibuster. Why? 

    He wants 6 trillion dollars for phony infrastructure. And  will only compromise if the Republican's will surrender to his demands for money to help struggling families. 

    Do you know what that figure is? If I received one dollar from that amount it would be like $3 for every second since my birth in 1947 till today! 

    And if each dollar were laid out end to end around the equator, how many times would it encircle the whole earth? 

    1 trillion 518 billion, 341.77 times!

    It is almost enough to reach the nearest star at a dollar a mile. 

    And the Democrats have already spent several trillion before this one!

    Bernie didn't say if the money will help all struggling families or just minorities and illegal immigrants.  

    And most important he wants money for the Global Warming Hoax. With all the plans of the Marxist United Nations put into effect, which does not include China. It would reduce warming by a fraction of degrees, and would bankrupt America, and send money in support of the Marxist New World Order of Antichrist. 

    When the dinosaurs were here they were under a greenhouse effect that created a worldwide tropical environment, with no ice caps, and dinosaurs were healthier than people today. There was more oxygen, CO2, and atmospheric pressure. Giant flying reptile could fly. They have become extinct because of these changes, along with giant reptiles do not have enough Oxygen or pressure.

    Global Warming theory is not based on science, it is based on media hype, propaganda, and science fiction. 

    CO2 is mostly created by nature (including all living creatures who breath in oxygen and breath out CO2. (Is that why the U.N. wants to kill 80% of earth's population by 2030? To save the goddess Gaia.) And CO2 it is beneficial to the plant life which creates oxygen.

    So Bernie Sanders is holding the filibuster hostage. If he doesn't get what he wants he will vote to stop the filibuster used to stop illegal bills sneaking through, until they can be properly analyzed. Like Mr. Smith (Jimmy Stewart) Goes to Washington. 


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