Critical Race Theory
Is America racist? Of course there are always evil people who are racist, but they do not represent America as a whole. Generally America has opposed this as one of its major purposes. Critical Race Theory is a weapon to cause division by our enemies. And the Bible says a house divided against itself cannot stand.
First of all there is no such thing as
race. God created us all as ONE race.
Colossians 2:8.
“Beware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of
the world, and not after Christ.”
Here is the Illuminati Plan in their own
The plan of the Illuminati state
that they use these theories as weapons Darwinism, Marxism, and Socialism:
Protocol No.
“3. Do not
suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of
the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism),
Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews (Gentile/Jews the Ashkenazi which
included Hitler and the Serpent tribe of Dan), at any rate, it should be plain
to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the
minds of the GOYIM.”
Next reference
“In the
1848 Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederic Engels declare
that “[t]he history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class
They believed capitalism would be eventually replaced by
socialism as the oppressed proletariat (poor) rose up to overthrow the bourgeois
(capitalists). (This is being done by Antifa and Black Lives Matter Marxists) Key
elements of Marxism include the abolition of private property, the abolition of
Christianity (religion is the “opiate of the people”), the abolition of the
traditional family and parental authority, state control of education, state
control of the economy (production and distribution) and redistribution of
wealth (from rich to poor). In the Manifesto’s final
paragraph, they advocate for a “forcible overthrow of all existing social
conditions, which became the call to bloody communist revolutions around the
world. The death and despair of many millions resulting from of this
atheistic worldview is well documented.”
“Illuminati United
Nation’s Agenda 21 tells the story of the age-old battle between Good and Evil.
The first part of the tale identifies the Luciferian perpetrators, tracing
their origins back to ancient Samaria (Nimrod at Babel the source of the
Nephilim hybrid humans), and tracking their hegemony over mankind through
Babylon, Egypt, the Holy Roman Empire, and on to their modern-day Masonic lair
known as The City of London. Part two brings the battle into recent times,
where the Illuminati's Agenda 21 is quietly unfolding in an insidious creep
towards global fascism and their long-awaited goal of a New World Secular
Order, which threatens to strip us of our humanity, replace us with machines,
and destroy all Creation.”
My book gives more details
Mysteries of History Revealed Part 2.
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