Technocracy is Advanced Technology

        I got a text video message from NewsMax for Near Future investments. He talked about investing in advanced (alien) technology on our horizon. As I listened I became aware the he was not telling the most important things. He concentrated on money making greed without exposing the dangers.

     Control by the New World Order Beast computer spying on everyone. 

       He said self-driven all electric cars were the next step in technology. And they would include artificial intelligence. Part of the Communist Green New Deal it involves Technocracy electronic controlled Communist Dictatorship.

       You could have your car drive you to work, then allow it to join the Uber force and go to take someone else to the work or shopping, then drive back to pick you up from your work at the end of the day and get paid for this service.

       However, this means you will not have control of your car. It will go at posted speeds, and go the way it is told by GPS. And if there are glitches like GPS does it could take you to the wrong place.

       It will also mean that you cannot leave anything in your car, or it would be stolen, and what if they mess up your seats and damage your car?

       And that means your car would be driven by the Beast computer of the Marxist world government in Brussels through GPS. It would be like allowing the Antichrist to drive your car. And it would record everywhere you go, it may even spy on you and your conversations. This will be part of the Mark of the Beast.

             New World order is working on transgender, and transhuman robots.

     You will not be able to leave anything in your car. And what if they mess up you seats?

       And these cars require lithium batteries. And these require rare earths. Biden has shut down our only rare earth mine in Mountain Pass California. This mine was working under Donald Trump. Rare earth is used in computer screens, television screens, lithium batteries, parts for windmill and solar electricity generators, and other electronics and we have to get it from slave labor from Communists in China.

       Our pipeline computer in the east coast was hacked by (Russian) Communists. Wouldn’t China place devices in these to sabotage our cars when they want to? What if they decide to cause someone to have an accident? What if they stopped all cars and attacked us or use them as weapons? I remember a science fiction movie (SF is often prophetic. In fact some is written by automatic writing by spirits of Demons. H.G. Wells wrote about the New World Order) Conspiracy Theory? No there is a very real Conspiracy that stared when Satan tricked Adam and Eve, then led to the rebellion against God and freedom at Babel. The descendants of the Nephilim bloodlines from Sumer are the ones behind the New World Order.   

The Near Future Report | Brownstone Research

“The Near Future Report is an investment advisory focused on identifying the trends of today - those right around the corner on the point of mass adoption. Our large-capitalization growth stocks connect to revolutionary shifts in technology like 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and more…”

This technology is mentioned in the Bible as a sign of the end of the age when the Antichrist takes over as world dictator.       The Chinese will control our Internet computer systems for the Antichrist’s world government. And they will spy on us. Communism was created by the Knights Templar Illuminati (Torch Bearers for Lucifer) to bring in the kingdom of Antichrist.

    Here is a robot mosquito. The Chinese are also working on controlling roaches with micro cameras and microphones.

       Smart phones can track and spy on you. And soon will become implanted computer RIFID chips. This was part of the Unaffordable Obamable Health Doesn't Care Act. 


    Facebook is working on creating glasses that will allow you to control your computer using your mind. And it will know your thoughts. And it will lead to the cashless society, controlled by the totalitarian government. Mind control under the Mark of the Beast. And lead to complete control over every individual on earth. After 7 years Jesus will return to destroy Antichrist and his evil. However, believers in Jesus who confess they are sinners and follow Jesus they will be removed so Satan can take over. It has started by the Liberals in attacking our freedoms and truth.

        This technology is coming from Satan’s agents being led by Demon Possession which stared in 1947 at Roswell.

       The 5G network is for the purpose of implementing absolute computer control of all robots, technology, and people.

       Remember the robot Gort in When the Earth Stood Still?  Klatu Parada Nikto.


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