Joe Collins Saving California and...

        California is a hot bed of Communists in government mismanaging our state. Joe Collins has evidence that the election here was fraudulent and is going to court to prove it. This could get rid of Maxine Waters.

    Donate and pass this on to others. But don't tell them to riot like Maxine Waters.

       She has been going around the country stirring up insurrection, hate, and violence against Patriots trying to save America.

       She is in a video saying get in their face in any public place and create a crowd and “tell them they are not welcome anymore.“ This has led to Marxist Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and Black Hammer organizations funded by George Soros to create riots and attack innocent people.

        This is dangerous.

       If Joe Collins can win his case he will be another Patriot in Congress and give Republican Patriots the majority to stop the bills that will make Marxist Democrats a monopoly making slaves out of Americans.


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