Proof God Exists
Here is a verse that supports creation science followed by scientific proof of the Seven Days of Creation, and Seven thousand years of Earth History.
“The Lord is good to all he has compassion on all he has made.
All your works praise you, Lord;
your faithful people extol you.
They tell of the glory of your kingdom
and speak of your might, so that all people may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of
your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures
through all generations.”
This information in the link below, comes from a friend who posted
this link on Facebook. The video in the web site shows how these pine cones reproduce. They require a forest fire to burn the trees which releases the resin. After the fire when it cools the cones open and release seeds with one wing, and they descend like a helicopters blown by the wind.
In Anaheim Hills California I found many fossils of Miocene fish, including deep marine lamp fish, and deep water Delectopecten macrocheiricola bivalves, and occasionally a complete whale skeleton is found, and shark teeth, bird feathers and I found a ground sloth's hand bones in gypsum (Gypsum comes from marine evaporates. I also found gypsum in the Petrified Forest in Arizona. (A marine Horseshoe crab was found there too.). In Anaheim Hills along with these fossils were many kinds of terrestrial leaves of Maple, Fan palms, etc.
I also found a fossil of one of these flying pine tree seeds!
It just occurred to me this means there was a FIRE before the tsunamis hit the coast of California from Alaska to Mexico! And I have found a lot of charcoal in these fossil deposits that look like there was a fire. And in my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1, I reported the discovery of a burning limb in the dinosaur track layer in the Paluxy River in Texas where giant humanoid tracks are found.
Some paleontologists have reported that there is charcoal evidence of massive mega fires in the Cretaceous Iridium layer around the world along with evidence of volcanic and meteoric iridium and other rare minerals.
I did not mention that there is a lot of evidence that a mega tsunamis struck our coast 350 years after Noah's Flood during Peleg's Division mentioned in the Bible.
I saw a barnacle with a terrestrial leaf under it's base? Barnacles are always attached to something, how did the leaf get their. There were also many articulated clams. When clams die their valves separate. Articulated clams are found all over the world. I have one from the Mediterranean sea given to me by a friend from Lebanon.
All these fossils in Anaheim Hills were all found deposited in Diatomaceous earth, which is made up of 100% marine diatoms. Identical to fossil sites in Lompoc and Chino. These are microscopic marine plants inside glass cases made up of many designs. Baleen whales also found in this horizon of the Miocene eat these microscopic plants.
Here are a few diatoms:
And this is only a top view, these are three dimensional.
All of nature is designed on geometry and all mathematics. God created space/matter/time/energy (four is the number of the physical universe), and measurements to quantify them. These same numbers and formulas have spiritual meanings. God has designed and placed a coded message in everything he made. Man discovers and copies these designs, but forgets to give God the credit and is willingly ignorant of the message.
Here are many Fibonacci spirals.
Prime numbers are sacred relating to God and the supernatural which cannot be divided. And one of the most important are 7 and 11 found in earth moon ratios, numeric symbolism in the Bible (Not found in man's versions. Only in The King James, and original Hebrew, and Greek.
Below is a sun flower.
When God referred to all the saved of the earth he used the number 12 disciples, 12 tribes of Israel, squared. Making a Jerusalem four square at 144 furlongs (as a cube this is where we get a square foot) cube, 12 squared = 144 multiplied by a thousand meaning innumerable multitudes. The Great Pyramid had 144 thousand slabs of white limestone that was stolen and taken to Egypt the symbol of the world.
Here is a sun flower.
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