Memorial Day Honoring My Brother

       Last Monday was Memorial Day. This is the day we remember all the horrible things that our young men went through to preserve our freedom form dictators working for Satan and the New World Order of Antichrist.

        Only a few that were in that war are still alive. My brother John was one of them. He was in the Battle of the Bulge under Patton. John was in the lead tank going into Germany. He was in the spearhead of tanks. The tank on his left blew up, and the tank on the right blew up.

     He spent many hours in a cold tank. To keep his feet from freezing with frost bite, he used isotonic exercises. He tightening his muscles in his legs without movement, to warm them up.

        He wrote home the Bible verse Psalm 91 about this event:

“2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.”

       At another time he encountered German soldiers, and said they were just kids. So he did not shoot them. But then they threw a grenade at him. He ducked and was saved.

       He wrote home that he was not like David, who was a man of war and had killed many. And that is why God did not chose David, who had blood on his hands, to build the Temple. But rather like Solomon who was a man of peace. John said he was like Solomon because he had not killed anyone.

       At another time their commander told his platoon to take out a pill box machine gun on a hill. One after another tried it and was killed. It was a suicide mission. Of course officers didn’t volunteer.

        He was told to by other soldiers to make your way partway up then circle back to camp. He did that and survived.

       Another time he was under machine gun fire on a road in front of a house. He fell and pretended to be dead. They shot all around him and missed. He laid there most of the day. Then toward evening he jumped up and ran. And jumped over a picket fence and escaped. But one bullet caught him in the helmet. It curved around and came out the other side.

        Walt Disney used to take German helmets and shoot a hole in them and stuff hair into the hole and sell it as a souvenir.

        One night someone stole John’s helmet.

       In the military it is hurry up then wait. John spent a lot of time in a fox hole. He began watching a spider build a web. John got ride if the web. The spider built it again, John got rid of it, and the spider built it again. He said the spider did this 7 times. He wrote home that life takes perseverance.

       There were some funny good (?) experiences. Our parents sent some candy to him. He wrote that it was very good, especially the coconut on it. They said there was no coconut. They were worms!

       John trained in the Mojave Desert California near Iron Mountain under Patton whom he respected and liked.

       On several nights while sleeping someone would steal his candy bar under his pillow. So one night he remained awake to find out who the thief was.

       That night he saw a Rattle Snake crawl up and take the candy bar away.

       Years later he bought some land in this same area. And he told us there was live ammunition still there.

        He dug a hole underground and covered it with clay like the American Natives do. He climbed down a ladder into his underground home where it is warm in the winter and cool in the summer. He slept in a hammock, cooked his food on a single propane burner. He cooled his water on his car hood at night and mixed dry milk.

       We were there when it was about 120 degrees and NO shade. Even water in the face could not cool us off.

       After that I made many fossil/archaeological trips to the Mojave, I took an ice box, and an insulated jug of ice water, a hat, and my rock pick.

       John was a fan of Robinson Caruso and hoped to be able to design and cast his own automobile from a sand mold. And tell people how to create their own fuel to solve the gasoline shortage.

       I knew he was wrong because the shortage was not a shortage, it had a political motive, but he didn’t believe in ‘Conspiracy’ Theories. And he did not believe in UFOs, he thought they were natural phenomenon. I tried to prove it to him that everything UFO entities did was Satanic, and their messages were Satanic.  

       One day when he was young he and his brother Malcolm were playing checkers at Mrs. Kaufman’s house because my parents were getting investments from this strange rich woman, for house construction. My father was a carpenter and remodeled houses to sell. I am convinced Kaufman was a witch with a spirit guide.

        Then when one moved a checker, the one opposite it made the same move. When moved back the opposite piece moved back all by itself. John puzzled over this for many decades trying to figure out what natural phenomenon would do this.

       They call Mrs Kaufman’s attention to the strange phenomenon. She saw it and picked up one of the checkers that moved and the opposite checker jumped off the board my mother told me. Kaufman said, “Oh, you are playing silly tricks on me!”

        A few years ago, after he moved to Washington state, he told me on the phone that in the dirt road near his place in the Mojave he saw a glowing ball floating along the road. This is a description of an elemental. Spirits often appear as colored glowing balls.

       John never did accomplish his fantastic dreams of grandeur described earlier.  He also thought he might be the return of Elijah in the last days. He believed in the false theory of the Mid-Tribulation Rapture and we would have to go through half the Judgement.

       And he believed he would live to be over 100, and wanted to be a missionary to the lazy American Natives. He did not realize that the American Indians have been forced by our government into socialism and made dependent on handouts. The same thing Joe Biden is trying to force on all Americans.

       He had to leave the desert and move to Washington State. His daughter said he did not take care of himself. John died recently in his 90s.

    Right now the Democrats and RINOS are trying take away all that we have fought and died for over 250 years. Remember 9/11, and don't forget the Alamo!


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