America's Book of Secrets

      America’s Book of Secrets television program on the History Channel asks the question, who holds the greatest amount of secrets. The Illuminati or the Free Masons?

        The French Royal Illuminati symbol first came to my attention when it appeared on the bottom of a UFO seen in Europe. Then I discovered that it was the symbol of the Merovingian bloodline. The highest Illuminati Family the 13th. The symbolic number of rebellion. Lucifer was the first rebel who became the fallen Bull the sun god 666 i.e. Satan.  

        Of course the answer is the Illuminati, because they are the Knights Templar Illuminated Masons of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

        Common Masons are kept in ignorance of the real purpose of the secret society following the plan of Lucifer for world control under Gentile Jews. Turning our world into a bee hive of slaves. Thus their Bee symbols.


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