Pine Cones and the Illuminati
This was on a friend’s Facebook posting.
I will comment on them. The subject is pine cones.
“Today, pine cones are prized food
sources for squirrels, woodpeckers and crossbills, but about sixty million
years ago (False: This was before the worldwide Flood about 2348 BC), they were
a favorite meal of Parasaurolophus, the famous crest-headed hadrosaur (often
referred to as duckbill dinosaurs because their skulls resemble modern ducks).
Parasaurolophus had uniquely formed jaws and thousands of rows of teeth
perfectly adapted to eat tough, chewy pine cones, which they savored in their
Cretaceous marshlands habitat as fossils attest. Parasaurolophus weren’t the
only ancient beings fixated on pine cones...”
Fossil Araucarian pine cones are from the
same trees found rafted into the Petrified Forest on volcanic mud flows. Quartz
in many colors has petrified these like solid geodes. They are commonly found
with duckbilled Hadrosaur dinosaurs of many species.
“Images of the Mayan God, Chicomecoatl
(“7 Snakes”), depict the deity offering pine cones in one hand and an evergreen
tree in the other. (Evergreen trees are symbolic of Tammuz the son of Semiramis
wife of Nimrod at Babel another name for the Egyptian idol.) Images of Osiris
(Another name, after being scattered from Babel, of Horus the Antichrist
symbolized by the Illuminati eye in the Triangle symbolized as 666 or sun/fire
god), ancient Egyptian God of the dead, carrying a staff of two intertwining
serpents rising up (The Caudices of Mercury the father of Nimrod of Babel) to
meet a pine cone date back to 1224 BC. Dionysus, of Greek mythology, carried a
staff (a “Thyrsus”) topped by a pine cone. Similarly, today, the Pope’s sacred
papal staffs all feature a pine cone near the top (Catholicism is Christianized
Paganism and is behind the Jesuit and Illuminati secret societies). And just
outside of St. Peter’s in Vatican City is the “The Court of the Pine Cone”
where a huge (three story tall) bronze sculpture of a pine cone (“Pigna”)
literally holds court.” (A Pagan idol condemned by God)
“The Pineal Gland, the geographic center
of our brain, is named for the pine cone because of its shape. The Pineal
governs our body’s perception of light, as well as our wake/sleep patterns. It
receives the highest amount of blood flow of any organ in our body other than
our kidneys. The Pineal Gland is long considered our biological “third eye” and
“the epicenter of enlightenment.” (The origin of the Illuminati eye of Horus
i.e. Baal or Satan) This may explain why pine cones have been exalted in
religious imagery for thousands of years. (The Pinal Gland is believed to
receive subconscious telepathic messages from Demon guide spirits.)
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