The Riots & Demon Possession
The Democrats and Liberals, and rioters often use the filthiest language that Christians, Patriots, and Republicans never use. You see filthy bathroom graffiti on rioter’s signs. You never see this at Trump Rallies, or Patriots Protesting the killing of babies, or Stop the Steal.
read a book on Demonology and one of the signs of Demon possession is filthy
language and lack of morals. Often associated with killing. The Bible says that
if a person even thinks of doing evil including fornication, killing, or any
other sin, that person has already committed the crime. That does not include a
person who says something he did not really mean to carry out. Thoughts of
killing makes them a murderer in God’s eyes. All evil comes from a thought
before it happens. They are a murderer waiting for an opportunity. That goes
for stealing, rape, anger, accepting bribes, lying, bearing false witness. Hate
is the tool of the Devil for mind control. It is a form of lust. Most killers
brag about their intentions on social media, that is how they can be stopped
before they actually do what they have imagined. God said before the Flood men
imagined evil continually.
I saw filthy signs among the Marxist Protesters on television. But when I looked it up pictures on the Internet I could not find any, except for one. So I looked elsewhere, and here is what I found.
Picture above comes from the prejudice against American Natives. Good Indians are dead Indians. Same kind of people. Is BLM for blacks when they say they are Marxists, and destroy black neighborhoods, and kill innocent blacks and whites?
The one below is a U-Haul truck paid for by George Soros with riot supplies in the day time before the BLM Antifa 'Peaceful Protest' even started. There was a report that rioters were supplied with Molotov cocktails, and bricks to break windows by the European billionaire. Part of which may include tax money to his foundation.
Candice Owens discovered that in the leaked texts from Hunter Biden he often used the word Nigger. And I have heard that when Joe Biden is (usually) not on television, he curses workers with filthy language
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