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Patriots Unite!

       The Council on Foreign Relations members working for the United Nation’s Communists are spreading lies and suppressing the facts in support of the Antichrist's New World Order. The Great American PAC is smashing their blockade bringing the truth to the American People. 

     The pen is mightier than the sword, lets' use it! 

    Here are actors who support America under law.


        The real thing Wyatt Earp.

    Audie Murphy was also a real hero.  

    Military career of Audie Murphy - Wikipedia

The military career of Audie Murphy (20 June 1925 - 28 May 1971) encompassed two separate careers. His U. S. Army service covered nine World War II campaigns fought by the 3rd Infantry Division: Tunisia, Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Anzio, Rome-Arno, Southern France, Ardennes-Alsace, Rhineland and Central Europe. He lied about his age to enlist in the United States Army in 1942. He became the most famous soldiers in WW2.                    And he became a famous western actor. 
    My sister (A greeter) met him at The Hollywood Christian Group. She thought he was too young to come to the meeting. Someone whispered to her, "That is Audie Murphy." 
     He died in a plane crash when he was 46. He was killed by bankruptcy, three years before and was trying to invest in prefab houses and hotels to save his failing fortunes. 
     My sister also got coffee for Roy Rogers at the Hollywood Christian Group, when he turned around she spilled it on his shirt. Next time they met he said, "I don't need coffee thank you."
     I met Roy at Forest Falls, a Christian retreat, in California.

    The Rock Island Arsenal Sgt. Audie Murphy Club was founded in his honor. The SAMC, first established at Fort Hood, Texas, in 1986, is an elite U.S. Army organization for enlisted non-commissioned officers whose leadership, achievements and performance reflect the highest standards of Army values.

The RIA SAMC was established in 2012 and has logged more than 500 combined volunteer hours. The club speaks at local schools and hosts or attends community events designed to improve the quality of life for the installation and the Quad Cities area.

    And many more! These are the ones the Democrats want to disarm.

    Today the bad guys are still with us, and they want to disarm the good guys. They don't use guns as much (until they have complete control), they use the government to kill our freedoms, and finances. And they use corporations to further socialist slavery. They want to disarm the good guys in case worse comes to worse like under Hitler and the American Revolution. 

      The Great American PAC is smashing their blockade bringing the truth to the American People.

     Support their efforts to spread the truth about all the attacks on God, America, and its Constitution.


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