Patriot Marjory Green
Marjory Taylor Green is a new BRAVE Patriot Congresswoman who entered Articles of Impeachment for Joe Biden, who is guilty of quid pro quo. And Biden confessed to this crime on television at an Illuminati CFR meeting. The same reason they wanted to impeach Trump for, and was proven innocent twice.
It is about time to impeach the real
culprit Biden and bring the Biden/Obama Crime Family to justice.
The Demonorats and CFR controlled media
have attacked Trump starting before he became President. They said they wanted
to impeach him. This is illegal, you cannot remove a person from office that he
does not hold.
Then they tried to impeach him again
while in office. Then they tried to impeach him after he left office, which is
also illegal. Like all
Communists/atheists they HATE making America Great. They want the Marxist world
government of Antichrist.
Help Marjory Green defeat the enemy.
Pass the
news on. And donate to save America from the Illuminati Conspiracy.
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