Asteroid Swarm Triggers Two Worldwide Cataclysms

      In my creation science research I discovered there was evidence in the Bible for two worldwide cataclysms. However, the consensus science doctrine (which stifles new discoveries) at the major creation science organizations will not accept my discovery that the division at the time of Babel and Peleg’s Division included the continents as well as the separation of the people. And they have conspired against me. In fact I was the first to publish evidence for asteroids as the cause of the worldwide flood. And after that several others have publish after that date in 1992.

       Many hate Dr. Carl Baugh, and Joe Taylor. Joe has a museum in Crosbyton Texas, the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum. Joe was sued by creationists to try and destroy his work and museum.

       However, Dr. Henry Morris the founder of the creation science movement and The Institute for Creation Research drew the same conclusions I have documented and I have carried on his work.

       Here is what Dr. Henry Morris stated which is ignored today by his own family! This was republished in the Introduction to my Books: Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 and 2:

       “Dr. Henry Morris founder of the Creation Science Movement, and The Institute for Creation Research says in his book, The Giants of Old (Part 2), and The Genesis Record in 1976.

“The only obvious and natural meaning [of the designation, bene elohim ‘sons of God’]... is that these beings were sons of God, rather than of men, because they had been created, not born. Such a description, of course, would apply only to Adam (Luke 3:38) and to the angels, whom God had directly created (Psalm 148:2, 5; 104:4; Colossians 1:16)."

       “Whenever angels have appeared visibly to men, as recorded in the Bible, they have appeared in the physical bodies of men. Those who met with Abraham, for example, actually ate with him (Genesis 18:8) and, later, appeared to the inhabitants of Sodom in such perfectly manlike shape that the Sodomites were attempting to take these ‘men’ for homosexual purposes. The writer of Hebrews suggests that, on various occasions, some "have entertained angels unawares" (Hebrews 13:2).”

       “It is true that the Lord Jesus said the resurrection they ‘neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven’ (Matthew 22:30). However, this is not equivalent to saying that angels are ‘sexless,’ since people who share in the resurrection will surely retain their own personal identity, whether male or female.”

       “Furthermore, angels are always described, when they appear, as ‘men,’ and the pronoun ‘he’ is always used in reference to them. Somehow they have been given by God the capacity of materializing themselves in masculine human form when occasion warrants, even though their bodies are not under the control of the gravitational and electromagnetic forces which limit our own bodies in this present life.”

       Henry M. Morris The Genesis Record, pages 247-249 describes the Post-Flood cataclysm event in the days of Peleg ignored by most creation and secular scientists, and the continuing battle to save earth.

       "Peleg", used here means "earthquake". Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, MacDonald Publishing Company, McLean, Va., Hebrew Chaldee Dictionary, Page 94. The word is translated as chopped with an ax!


“Geologists today have generally concluded that the continents were once connected in one giant super continent they have named "Pangaea".


“Computer imaging has shown how all the continents appear to fit together. As an example the eastern shores of North and South America conform to the western shore lines of Europe and Africa. Geologists have named this the "Continental Drift Theory". They conclude that from the contour of the continents fitting so perfectly together, the rifts on the ocean floor and the present measurable movements of the continents that in the past, at some time the continents were one large land mass.

       “All of these evidences lead to the conclusion that if the continents did divide this dividing could have occurred in relation to the division of the languages after the Tower of Babel. Possibly, sometime after the migrations caused by the confusion of languages, when the people when sufficiently dispersed, God caused the continents of move apart. This would account for man, and animals being on the isolated continents of North and South America and Australia. There were people on the continents when they moved. It appears that God not only divided the people by confusing their languages. He also divided the land so the dispersion would continue. The division of the land

precluded that the people on earth could have physically come back

together had they been able to overcome the language barriers.

       “It is also interesting to note that this event was some five generations after the Flood. Many of the geological mysteries which are difficult to understand in relationship to the Flood could be explain by a second world wide catastrophic event such as would be caused by the sudden global shifting of the continents. Great earthquakes, volcanic activity, uplifts, flowed and sinking of vast land areas and mountain forming would be expected to accompany such vast changes in the earth's surface.”

       I agree, and I was aware that suddenly dinosaurs disappeared from the fossil record at the Cretaceous boundary. And then large mammals appeared suddenly in the Cenozoic. And there was no explanation by creationists.

       I was in the little headquarters of the Calico Early Man dig Mojave Desert when Ranger Fred the Caretaker for the site was talking to paleontologist Dr. Robert (Bob) E. Reynolds. Bob said that someone he knew told him that they had discovered that an asteroid was the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs. He immediately had my attention. It was a brand new discovery of the Chicxulub crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. The paper had not been published yet. I asked Bob if I could have a copy of the report. I had been interested in meteorites and dinosaurs for many years. And I realized that this was the cause of the world wide Flood described in the Bible. This started my research adventure into new discoveries.

       This led me to start the Bible Science Association of Riverside. And that was the subject of the group and my first lecture in a lecture hall at Loma Linda University California with the help of Leonard R. Brand PhD Professor of biology and paleontology.  

       The Bible says: "And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one [was] Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name [was] Joktan."
(Genesis 10:25 KJT)

"And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one [was] Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother's name [was] Joktan."
(1 Chronicles 1:19 KJT)”

       When I was about 12 in 1959, I was reading National Geographic where they described how the continents fit each other like a puzzle showing the continents had separated. I was fascinated and realized that this is what the Bible was talking about!

       But today creation scientists refuse to accept this fact.

       Ken Ham ignored me. Henry Morris IV told me my book sounded like “Conspiracy theory” (Liberals use the term Conspiracy theory to stop any exposure of their conspiracy) and cancelled my subscription to Days of Praise and unfriended me on Facebook.   Creation scientist and founder of the Bible Science Association of Los Angeles David Coppage looked at my book, then walked by without comment and slammed it down. I tried to get my friend Dr. John Morris to write the forward to it but got no response. John did write a Acts and facts article that supported my technical paper presented at a creation conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism ...

1.Auldaney, J. 1994. Catastrophic fluvial deposition at the asphalt seeps of Rancho La Brea, California, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Creationism, Technical Symposium Sessions, R. E. Walsh, ed. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship, Inc., 25-35.

       However, William Weston stole my research and lied, and it was picked up by evolutionists. Weston lied and left my paper and my name out. He came to me before publication and I talked to him and tried to convince him that the asphalt seeps as well as all Quaternary deposits are not only catastrophic deposits but are also POST FLOOD, which was more important. But I was ignored! I once thought that only the Pliocene, Miocene, and the Pleistocene were Post-Flood. But researching for my books I encountered massive evidence that all of the Cenozoic after the Cretaceous is Post-Flood. But creation scientists continue to lie about it and ignore me because I do not have a PhD after my name. They are filled with the pride of their so called  science and will soon join the theistic evolution conspiracy of Antichrist.  

La Brea Tar Pits: An Introductory ... - Creation Research

The La Brea Tar Pits from 1915 to 1969. As the fossils were being taken out of the pits, county excavators packed them in crates and carted them over to the Museum of History, Science and Art, which later became the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. The last of the excavations ended in December 1915.

La Brea Tar Pits Trap Scientists - CEH

In fact, there are even more serious problems at La Brea that Perkins did not mention. (Thanks to William Weston for the following, from results of his independent research involving many visits to the site for years; you can read parts of his report at the Creation Research Society website.) Add these pieces to the puzzle: Hard-packed asphalt.

Creationist Answer to La Brea Tar Pits - Creation Liberty

-William Weston, "La Brea Tar Pits: Evidence of a Catastrophic Flood," CRS Quarterly, Vol 40, No 1, p. 25-33, June, 2003 The major problem here is that the tar found at La Brea is mostly bitumen (petroleum or crude oil), and bitumen has been well-known in the past as a preservative:

La Brea Tar Pits: A Critique of Animal ... - Creation Research

Creation Research Society. The Re-opening of Pit 91 After a fifty-four year hiatus, excavation work at Pit 91 was re-activated on June 13, 1969.

       Geologist Dr. John Morris’ article in support of my presentation at the conference and publication in Acts and Facts has disappeared!

       Catastrophic Fluvial Deposition at the Asphalt Seeps of Rancho La Brea, CA Jeremy Auldaney. PDF. The Pre-Flood / Flood Boundary: As Defined in Grand Canyon and East Mojave Steven A. Austin and Kurt P. Wise. PDF. Computer Modeling of the Large Scale Tectonics Associated With the Genesis Flood.

       When I was at this conference I discovered a secret meeting in an upper room. Curt Wise was there along with several ICR scientists including Steve Austin.

       Kurt Wise tried to kill my paper by sending it back with revisions. But it slipped by him and was published. He later said my paper was the worst paper. I knew he was part of a theistic evolution conspiracy.      During my first speech at the International Conference in Pittsburg he sat in the front and tried to contradict me about how fossil tracks are preserved by Lockley’s underprints inches below the actual track. I gave evidence that proves this wrong! Lockley was trying to explain away how pristine tracks can be preserved, which is impossible if they are not preserved immediately showing catastrophic conditions of burial. I said these are surface tracks. Kurt argued with me supporting evolutionist Martin Lockley’s evolutionist’s speculation. Martin Lockley is a world expert on dinosaur tracks from the University of Colorado.

       One creationist said to me after my lecture, “Whose side is he (Kurt) on?” Kurt became my mentor at the next conference in Pittsburg where I published my article on the La Brea asphalt seeps in LA.  

       I suspected Kurt would try to kill my paper. So I sent a warning to all the creation scientists by letter that Kurt Wise would try to do this.   And I found later Kurt did his best to try to kill my paper without appearing to do so, by making it too late for publication. He kept sending it back to me with revisions, some I accepted others I rejected.

       Later I advertised the Creation Dinosaur Dig in Wyoming on a ranch. I mailed a flyerI created I Dig Dinosaurs and sent   it to many creation scientists and most of them showed up. Invertebrate paleontologist Kurt Wise was one, and he took over and stole the dig and gave it to a Seventh Day Adventist university who support theistic evolution.

       Ken Ham’s Back to Genesis organization conclusions:

by Larry Pierce on December 1, 1999

       “It says Four generations after Noah, Genesis 10:25 records the birth of Peleg (meaning division) “for in his days was the earth divided”. Some suggest the continents of the earth were divided at this time. However, this seems unlikely, as such a process would have had to occur within a very confined time period. The resultant geological violence would be overwhelmingly catastrophic—like another Noahic Flood all over again. Any continental separation thus likely occurred during the Flood.

       Answers in Genesis Larry Pierce is wrong on his facts. It was not 4 generations, it was 5 of 70 years each.

       See creationists have not listened to the flood of evidence that the continents did NOT separate until 350 AFTER the Flood in Noah’s day! People tend to copy each other instead of doing their own research! And they ignore anyone who have made new discoveries. Creation scientists are as bad as the evolutionist scientists, even Kurt Wise agreed with me about that over the phone.    People always think they are better than those who have new insight and are blind leaders of the blind, they look down and despise those they think are not as knowledgeable as they think they are. This is a sin! I wouldn’t be surprised if creationists will eventually become theistic evolutionists in support of the Antichrist’s theories. After all these creation organizations often appear at Calvary Chapels which have proven to be led by Satanists.

       Just before Henry Morris died he was worried that creationists were headed toward false long age theories of the past.


The Institute for Creation Research John Morris says:



       “But while continental separation is well supported, it is still unproven, and very likely unprovable. Many competing concepts have been proposed in the geologic literature, and serious difficulties remain, the weightiest of which is the lack of a sufficient mechanism to move the continents. In fact, the most viable concepts are coming from young-earth creationists, employing the overall Flood scenario as the mechanism and timing for the separation. At least the destruction of the earth's surface at the time of the Flood has the potential to move continents!

       But any scheme of rapid separation would itself cause havoc on the earth. If the Atlantic Ocean opened up rapidly, the destructive tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanoes would make life impossible on earth.

       For this reason, I am convinced that Genesis 10:25 should not be understood to imply that "In the days of Peleg the Atlantic Ocean opened up." This would have caused devastation comparable to Noah's Flood, and the Bible has no mention of it. If the continents separated, they did so during Noah's Flood.”

Wrong John, there is massive evidence of a major cataclysm 350 years after the Flood, which is being ignored and covered up by both evolutionists and creationists.

       I remember at a lecture in Orange County Henry Morris claimed the Flood was caused by a miracle and not an asteroid. I and another person objected. And I said, “There is lots of evidence of asteroids triggering the release of the fountains of the deep.” He said that is an evolutionist theory. I said, “No, it isn’t. Much later I discovered that there was a massive asteroid shower worldwide at that time of the worldwide flood and another in the Days of Peleg.

       Besides the geologic and paleontological evidence there is also evidence in the genealogies which show that 1/3 life span was cut at the time of the Flood, and another 1/3 at the time of Peleg.

       This was the subject of the first paper I published:

Auldaney, J., Asteroids and their connection to the Flood; in: Proceedings of the 1992 Twin-Cities Creation Conference, Twin-Cities Creation Science Association, Northwestern College, Roseville, MN, pp. 133–136, 1992.


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