Evolutionists Worship Chronos

       Evolutionists worship the Greek god Chronos. The god of time.

      Chronos is the personification of time in Greek mythology. He was considered to have the shape of a three-headed serpent a Hydra. And serpents represented the offspring of Satan’s angels the giants or 

Nephilim. The heads were those of a man, a bull, and a lion. The man represents the hybrid human giants the Nephilim, the bull is Baal (Horus) the son of the sun god symbolized as 666, and the lion represents Satan who goes about seeking whom he can devour.

       1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

       Along with his daughter Ananke, the goddess of inevitability. Meaning evolution is an intelligence in nature itself. Cosmic consciousness which all things are a manifestation of. The name is very similar to the Nephilim called sons of Anak, which have been falsely called Anunnaki extraterrestrials.  

       According to history "Those Of Royal Blood" (Today they are the Illuminati of the Merovingian French royal bloodline who have ruled the world since Eden) are believed to be descendants of immortal gods that inhabited the earth during the Ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia 2000 BC i.e. Satan’s angels. And the human hybrids of Satan’s angels. Falsely called extraterrestrials by ancient astronaut theorists. The term "astronaut" derives from the Greek words meaning "space sailor.” In other words, UFO entities which were their gods from space.

       The goddess Ananke who was also in the form of a snake. The Nephilim are called the serpent or sun people.

       In Star Wars they carry on the legend of the Nephilim into our movie theaters.

Anakin Skywalker (This means Skywalker is a Nephilim) was a legendary human male Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic and the prophesied Chosen One of the Jedi Order, destined to bring balance to the Force.” The religion of Satan Witchcraft is based on black magick and white magick. Yin and Yang.

Thus Skywalker represents the Antichrist!

       Chronos revolved around the primordial world egg, until they split it apart to form the earth, the sea and the sky. According to the Orphic cult, Chronos gave birth to Aether and Chaos, which represent evolution by a random chaotic process. He created a silver egg in Aether. The egg represents the origin of life. Eggs come from a snake. Most UFO entities are Greys or Reptilians. Out of the egg enclosed the gods Phanes and Hydrus the serpent with many heads, who later gave birth to the first gods and the universe. In other words Satan claims he created the universe and his offspring are the hybrid humans the Nephilim also called Titans from the goddess Gaia the goddess of the earth Mother Nature i.e. evolution.

    Hercules was a real person. He was a Nephilim

giant the same as King Arthur who was a

black giant and leader of the Knights Templar the 

Illuminati in the Crusades. 

    Hercules fought the many headed serpent the Hydra, representing the battles between different Nephilim bloodlines. 

    Here are ancient Greek pottery with pictures of

Hercules and the Hydra. And Hercules going to

find the Hydra.

       Researchers who do not know the truth claim Chronos was confused with the Titan god Cronus by mistake, or 

conflated with him on purpose. They are the same. The confusion comes from legends and the changes to their languages when they were scattered from Babel. The goddess with many names was Semiramis the wife of the Antichrist dictator Nimrod the first world government. She gave birth to Nephilim after her UFO abduction.

       Chronos is shown to have wings indicating he is a fallen angel that had offspring.


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