Boycott the Olympics
Revived from ancient origins, modern Olympics originated from ancient times when people were sacrificed to the Pagan gods. The original Olympics began in Olympia in 776 B.C. They celebrated the many gods (Satan’s angels) by staging violent athletic competitions (deaths were common).
In the ancient Greek Olympics opportunities abounded for trade and
commerce to unite countries to recreate the one world government,
while onlookers watched naked athletes. Greek city-states “united” under these
festivals to the gods Zeus and Poseidon. Lasting over a millennium, the games
were finally abolished by Emperor Theodosius (393 AD) because they were pagan celebrations.
Money is the root of all evil. Many countries and media make millions or even billions off these games.
These games started at Babel under Nimrod and Semiramis (Origin of the Post-Flood Nephilim human hybrids) about 2000 BC.
One of the many dramatic opening scenes from the London 2012 Olympics had a florescent light image of the Phoenix Bird. This bird legend is symbolic of the Antichrist from the fires of Baal (Hell) of the sun god's son, the Antichrist, the reincarnation of Nimrod, a Nephilim as the world ruler and his satanic kingdom.
The London Olympics starts with
Tour. The mythical spiral hill (Tower of Babel?) named Glastonbury Tor overlooks pastoral England. (Megalithic structures are part of this like Stonehenge built by King Arthur's father and Merlin according to ancient texts The Chronicles) This recreation of the Tor is topped by a giant oak tree, a tree considered sacred by Celtic Druids (The Illuminati of ancient times) and represents of the Supreme Deity i.e. Lucifer.
It illustrates how the Illuminati created the Industrial Revolution in England
(Technocracy slavery under technology) in support of the future Marxist New World Order of Antichrist.
The Olympics has always been used by
Satan to further his New World Order plans.
The top-hat guys are lead by civil engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who stands at the base of the Tor model and gives a speech quoting Shakespeare’s (Francis Bacon a Knights Templar?) The Tempest. The oak tree then rises from the ground and hundreds of workers emerge from under the Tor and begin transforming England’s landscape. (Illustrating Demon guide spirits behind the Illuminati)
At this point, there are a few facts that deserve to be pointed out. First, the legend of King Arthur (Arthur a Knights Templar Mason was a real person. He was a Nephilim giant proven when his grave at Glastonbury was excavated.) stipulates that the top of the Tor provided entrance to Annwn, the ancient word for the Underworld. (Similar to other vortexes, or portals like Skinwalker Ranch) Second, the official name of the segment about the industrial revolution is Pandemonium, which is the name of the capital of Hell in Milton’s classical work Paradise Lost. These clues indicate that London did not become New Jerusalem (Falsely claimed to be a metaphor for heaven. (The Armstrong religious organization still claims England has replaced Jerusalem. In support of the cult of British Israel) as stated by Blake’s hymn, but literally hell on earth (During the future Tribulation Period). And all of this pandemonium was brought about by a handful of elite men who got thousands of workers apparently emerge from the underworld and build industrial England.
Sports has always been used for satanic frivolous purposes. It diverts attention away from important issues in our news reports. It
takes away from doing things that support spiritual Christian values. It
diverts our attention away from God.
Sumerian Gilgamesh (Nimrod’s real name) inscribed in cuneiform tablets
narrates the legend of how the sporting equipment–a stick and a ring or
ball–which Gilgamesh had carved out of an uprooted tree, had fallen into the
netherworld as he began oppressing his people by repeated athletic
competitions, and how eventually it was the sun god (symbolized in ancient
Egypt as the solar magic square 666 the Eye of Horus the son of Baal/Satan) who
opened a hole in the ground in order to recover them (Sounds similar to
Skinwalker Ranch describing an electromagnetic vortex or portal from which Demons
enter our physical world). The Olympic torch, which the runner carries to mark
the sun’s cyclic movement throughout the “Olympiad”, the four-year period until
the next games, is also related to the sun’s cyclic rhythm. First celebrated in
Greece, the games were ceremonial contests in honor of Zeus.!
The 1936 Olympics in Germany promoted the
Nazi regime, while concentration camps operated not far away.
Today the Olympics in China is identical
to Hitler; with concentration camps of the Uyghur people, the systematic
oppression of Muslim minorities in China, from labor programs forcing Uyghurs
and Kazakhs into low-wage work in Chinese factories and indoctrination camps
where at least 1 million adults from the Uyghur community are being imprisoned, tortured rapped, and killed.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) Marxists accuse
America of slavery when it was the only country in history or the world that
has outlawed it. However, BLM doesn’t riot against American Corporations that
use slavery in China to make cheap products for Walmart etc. supported by the
media, Democrat politicians, and The United Nations.
You see trains with COSCO signs on them,
China Over Seas Corporation owned by the Chinese Communist government.
Harbors: China's State-backed Shipping Industry ...
Led by state-owned shipping operators
China COSCO Shipping
Corporation (COSCO SHIPPING)
and China Merchant Group, Chinese companies
have invested an estimated $11 billion into overseas ports between 2010 and 2019, including 25 projects
across 18 countries working with the Marxist United Nations. China's growing
maritime power presents a threat to the United States and all free countries.
Including one in Long Beach California.
The Roman gladiatorial were part of this.
Spartacus fought against the Romans and their
inhuman treatment of slaves. This was the origin
of the slaughter of Christians in the Coliseum.
We should boycott the Olympics.
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