Evolution Propaganda of the NWO

I wrote this to the Editor of the The New American Magazine is the best source for truth in world events and politics. I agree 100% with most of your articles. And they are always fascinating. I buy mine at Clark's Nutrition in Riverside.

I have had some disagreements. There is a Catholic apologist published here that has his facts wrong. The Pope did work with Hitler. He saved only Ashkenazi Jews, but rounded up the Sephardic Jews for slaughter. More details if you are interested.

I am a Christian and young earth creation scientist. In the recent issue Sepetember 4, 2017 in Sea Level Lies. It says catastrophic events are decreasing. I do not agree. We are living in the last days before Jesus return and it says these things will increase. And from what I see in the news it is. I do agree that Global Warming is a hoax to force us into a 

world government under Antichrist as 
described in the Bible. But these things are increasing but are not being caused by man. They are judgment from God through nature. Tsunamis, hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, terrorism, wars and rumors of wars, rampant filthy language, increasing sin and crime, corruption in high places, disrespect for police, the President, and Christians with traditional values.

The main problem I have for Sea Level Lies in, the quote from the evolution/uniformitarian assumed bias of the U.S. Geological Survey, "...about 125,000 years ago, during a warmer climatic interval...se level was about 6 meters (19.7 feet) higher than it is today." 

This is false, the Bible and the facts of science prove this was about 4 thousand years ago in the Days of Peleg when there was sudden run away subduction causing the seas to rise. Then it says, 11,000 years ago rising water separated North America and Asia, inundation a land bridge..." This happened when the earth was divided after the people were scattered from Babel about the time of Peleg, the Younger Dryus, and Clovis Culture in the so called Pleistocene about 4 thousand years ago. The earth and universe is 6 thousand years old according to God's Word and the discovery of preserved dinosaur unfossilized organic remains, and the existence of carbon 14 in all fossils.

Scientists like Stephen Hawking are liars.

Yes it has been proven by secular scientists, that the earth had more Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Mesozoic atmosphere that was beneficial when dinosaurs lived before about 2347 BC from fossil amber and shells. 

In An Inconvenient Travesty the author says, "...climate history of the last 20,000 years."

This evolution/uniformitarian was invented by the agents of the New World Order to undermine belief in the Bible which warns about the coming Antichrist.


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