Satan in the Church?

One of the places that Satan's agents infiltrates the most is the church. 

The Bible warns that Satan appears as an angel of light, how much more will his followers appear as ministers of the gospel. He wants to destroy the church. The Illuminati plan to bring in the kingdom of Antichrist (Marxist world government under a dictator like Hitler) is to infiltrate the media, government, schools, and the churches. I have found agents of Satan (Jesuits and Masons) in some of the best churches like Calvary Chapel and Harvest. Their founders are promoting the worst heretic living today called Rick Warren and Purpose Driven Church. And Focus on the Family's founder James Dobson, and Campus Crusade for Christ's founder Bill Bright are both theistic evolutionists. Hugh Ross and his theistic evolution is satanic. It is based on UFO cults philosophy that god is an alien the evolved on another planet. This is a naturalistic lie. Theistic evolution is the belief supported by the Antichrist. The Illuminati sate in their plan that they will use Darwinism, and Marxism, they state in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, "Theories we know to be false to be promoted by the Goyim professors to undermine faith." So they can bring in their counterfeit Messiah possessed by Satan. This is what underlies the Liberal Conspiracy that its attack Trump and all true Conservatives with Traditional values founded by the most evil man living today George Soros who founded Obama and Hilary the worst criminals living today. The Clinton Rothschild’s dynasty (Illuminati) gang has been founding North Korea along with their allies in Russia and China.


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