The Jim Jefferies Television Show

You had me on one of your first shows the Jim Jefferies Show on the corrupt immoral Comedy Central channel. I was on the expert panel of those who have beliefs different from the establishment.

The editing took snips of things out of context and was deliberately slanted to make those on the panel to look like idiots, based on errorus assumptions. That all other people who believe in Conservative, and Christian beliefs, are ridiculed without evidence as ignorant fools who create their own reality. No the Bible says that like in a court case you need two or three impartial witnesses who do not know each other to verify the truth. Or two or three independent observed facts that draw the same conclusion.

My beliefs are based on the literal statements of fact in the Bible with two or three references, and several sources of facts from secular science published in peer reviewed secular technical papers and journals accepted by the atheistic establishment (hostile witnesses) as well as my own discoveries and observations.

The fact that there are crazy nuts who believe in impossible things, I do not deny. But there is a difference between a nut who invents his own illogical theories with circumstantial evidence that agrees with no one else; and a person who discovers facts that seem amazing to the uninformed. However, when these discoveries are confirmed by other researchers based on other facts that they discovered independently they are confirmed to be correct. 

These same discoveries have been ridiculed to prevent the majority from learning the truth about unexplained phenomenon. Real science deals with the unknown, which seems like science fiction to the uninformed. And is kept from them by false information and ridicule and deliberate suppressing of these facts. The public is dumbed down by schools, churches, and the media.

It is true that some people are also irrational and ignorant because they have listened to lies and heresies, others have made up to surpress the truth. Much of our science fiction is this kind of propaganda.

As for your expert panel, 3 out of the 6, believe the earth is flat. You poured ridicule on them with your expression and silence, giving the false impression that we all agreed with this unscientific insanity. But I was not allowed to comment on this subject, and when I did it was deleted.

I said the earth is not flat from observation, the Bible, and logic. And these flat earthers also believe the earth is not moving as a result. They claim the Bible says the earth will not be moved. This is interpreted to mean the earth is stationary, when it really means the earth will never pass away.

I answered this foolishness by illustrating people on earth are like a fly in a vehicle going 70 MPH on the freeway. The fly flies back and forth, to him his world is standing still. Only if the vehicle changes speed by increasing speed or braking which will cause inertia will throw him forward, or back. 

I saw a film on physics that showed a ball being dropped from the mast of a sail boat. On the boat it looks like the ball falls strait to the floor of the boat beneath it. But from the shore the left to right moving boat makes it look like the ball goes at an angle to the right.

Jim Jeffries responded to this by saying, “I think Jeremy is the most rational person here.” This comment was in the televised version, but it was taken out of context by deleting my fly example you were responding to. So no one watching the television version knows what the comment was really about.

Then Jim asked me about the Rapture with no supporting explanation. And I responded with what the Bible says, that Christians will be remove before Jesus brings judgment on the whole earth for denying there is a Creator, and rebelling against Him. Of course this was out of context because most secular people are ignorant of the facts of the Bible and current events and would require a whole program just to explain these facts.

You also ridiculed the man second to my left who believes in UFOs, reptilians, and a flat earth, and that NASA is a hoax. You simply used ridicule against a controversial belief in UFOs to dismiss his claims without evidence.

To understand UFOs you have to have studied the subject. Many agnostic skeptics have been convinced that the UFO phenomenon is real.  Including John Keel, astronomer J. Allen Hynek, and astrophysicist Jacques Fabrice Vallée (French born September 24, 1939) a computer scientist, author, ufologist and astronomer currently residing in San FranciscoCalifornia.
In mainstream science, Vallée co-developed the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA and worked at SRI International on the network information center for the ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet. Vallée is also an important figure in the study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), first noted for a defense of the scientific legitimacy of the extraterrestrial hypothesis and later for promoting the interdimensional hypothesis. In other words UFO entities are not physical beings. And as an agnostic who does not believe in God, John Keel draws the same logical conclusion that inter-dimensional extraterrestrials have been mistaken for Angels. But from a Christian viewpoint, they are Fallen Angels, embodied Demons from genetic engineering i.e. Greys, and the spirits of Demons.

You wanted to make it look like everyone who holds a supernatural viewpoint different from the atheistic majority are idiots who believe in a flat earth. No, I know the earth and all celestial bodies, except asteroids, are round. We have seen the earth from space. And can see it live right now from satellite on the Internet. I use the Internet to satellite to transmit my communications from my computer. Also, the Bible says the earth is round. And logic and experiments show everything in nature that is free floating in space becomes round. Like water in the space station, and bubbles under water. We have seen liquids form balls when floating in a weightless space. Only the resistance of the air causes rain drops to become comet shaped.

The panelist on my right said he believes the earth is flat, all bodies in the universe are flat, dinosaurs are a hoax and did not exist, the holocaust was a hoax, and our NASA space program is a hoax. This guy qualifies to be declared insane. However, I suspect he has been hire to lie and pretend to believe these things to discredit Christianity, independant researchers into the unexplained, and genuine creation research. No one could be this stupid! 

I suspect you or your producer deliberately selected people who would lie or are hypnotized by their own insane viewpoint. They have become their own gods, “Strawberry Fields nothing is real” Beatle Mania.

The man on my left was a Christian and gave his testimony and salvation message, but he claims to believe in a flat earth because of one of the many heresies being taught to most Christians in most of our churches. His salvation message and testimony were deleted.

I remember when I was in Minneapolis for the International Creation Conference where I spoke and published two papers, one on dinosaur tracks supposedly found with what appeared to be human tracks, I later in my book concluded these were not tracks but differential erosion. And another on asteroids as a trigger to the worldwide Flood of Noah.

I have discovered dinosaur trackways, and dinosaur bones in a few different places, as well as meteorites, impact craters, archaeological artifacts, minerals, and all the different kinds of fossils.

In my research for my books I documented the fact that today’s space program is a copy of what was being done at Babel to contact the extraterrestrial gods i.e. Fallen Angels and resulted in producing Nephilim offspring.

You Jim Jeffries admitted you are an atheist, and I told you that made you biased toward things that are spiritually discerned.

 Jim you asked about the assumption that Jews were not killed by Hitler stated by the man on my right. And I said, "Hitler was a Jew." Sound effect laughs were added. This was in the broadcast program, but my explanation was deleted. This is suppressed information. There are two kinds of Jews, pure Jews from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: and Jews who married Gentiles (Philistines). I explained that Hitler was an Ashke-Nazie Jew who wanted to kill all the Sephardic Jews, and send all the Ashkenazi Nephilim Jews to Israel to control the land promised to Israel by God. 

The Ashkenazi Jews disobeyed God, who ordered the Jews to kill all the Nephilim hybrid Philistines. And when they did not do that, not to marry Gentiles because they were contaminated by Nephilim bloodlines of Fallen Angeles. This would pollute the pure bloodline of Jesus. Jesus was born of Mary and the Holy Spirit, because Mary was of pure Sephardic bloodlines through David's son Nathan. And not Joseph who was a descendant of Solomon who had Nephilim descendants from Philistine women. 

When you asked if Obama was the Antichrist it was difficult to answer to an unbeliever who would never accept even if it were proven scientifiaclly. And the evidence has been suppressed by the Liberal Humanist Conspiracy, and what is known is massive and would be difficult to present in a short time. 

However, of all the candidates for Antichrist he fits the description better than anyone else today. He is the most Anti-Christian, Anti-freedom, Anti-American, Anti-Constitution, President in history. And he is proven to be a Muslim and Communist disciple of Saul Alinsky and his book Rules for Radicals just like Hillary. And he plans to return to destroy America and replace it with a Marxist world government under the United Nation’s Antichrist. And he is of the bloodline of the Merovingian Illuminati descendants of the Nephilim at Babel in ancient Mesopotamia which I prove from secular historical sources that lead to the Illuminati and their work to establish the Antichrist today. He has the same Merovingian ancestors that I do from J.P. Morgan. These Illuminati are of the bloodline of Cain, then the alchemist TubalCain before the Flood, and Nimrod after the Flood, then the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten who brought in monotheism, the worship of Egypt’s highest god the sun identified in Egypt as the solar magic square 666 known later as Baal or Satan.  

Obama is the most lawless President, and the Bible says Antichrist will be known as the lawless one.

See my books for details and scientific proof: 


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