John McCain Illuminati Trator

John McCain is against the REPLACEMENT of the Obamacare socialist unconstitutional government healthcare take over.

(After writing this I saw the news which said Trump has blasted John McCain. I came to the same conclusions.
When McCain co-authored the bill with his Governor, he did it knowing he would kill it and use it against the Republicans.
I notice that Trump did not attack Rand Paul. He tried to get him to change his mind, because he knows Rand is a true Patriot.)

Here is what I originally wrote:

John McCain is against the REPLACEMENT of the Obamacare socialist unconstitutional government healthcare take over. This has caused healthcare to get more expensive, and makes it less effective with more waiting time to see a doctor. And a death panel can decide who lives and who dies, supposedly to save the cost on useless eaters.
However the replacement is being sabotaged by Saul Alinsky Liberals, and by Liberals disguised as Conservatives (RINOS) in the Senate and Congress bribed by the 13 head Satanists in contact with Satan in the Priory de Scion.
John McCain (a RINO) has been exposed as a Satanist accepting bribes (by an Illuminati whistle blower), and he is a Freemason who opposes the GOP replacement. McCain is secretly supporting the Unaffordable Obamanation Doesn’t Care unconstitutional law.
Rand Paul opposes the REPLACEMENT because it has been watered down and twisted by the Liberal Conspiracy. And the fact that the GOP has not come up with a replacement has been used as propaganda by the Conspiracy. () 

This has caused healthcare to get more expensive, and makes it less effective with more waiting time to see a doctor. And a death panel can decide who lives and who dies, supposedly to save the cost on useless eaters.
However the replacement is being sabotaged by Saul Alinsky Liberals, and by Liberals disguised as Conservatives (RINOS) in the Senate and Congress bribed by the 13 head Satanists in the Priory de Scion.
John McCain (a RINO) has been exposed as a Satanist accepting bribes (by an Illuminati whistle blower), and he is a Freemason who opposes the GOP replacement.

Rand Paul opposes the REPLACEMENT because it has been watered down and twisted by the Liberal Conspiracy. And the fact that the GOP has not come up with a replacement has been used as propaganda by the Conspiracy.


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    1. What would Jesus do? He called them serpents and dead men's bones in a whited coffin, and whipped them out of the Temple. The Liberal Conspiracy would like to keep the majority silent by surpressing the truth in public media as described in their satanic plan the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. They support destruction of our God given freedoms in the Constitution, and support the murder of unborn babies, when God says "thou shalt not kill." They support Perverted sex taught to children. They want to protect criminals entering Americ illegally, yet deny Christians from those same countries who are being murdered by Muslim terrorists sawing the heads off Christians, including young children. They want the strangle our free enterprise system. And they support Antichrist's New World Order under the Communist founded and run United Nations.

      As for McCain he was a Judas. He hated Conservatives as a double agent for Satan's Liberal Conspiracy. He rests in Hell today waiting of the final judgement that will condemn him and all others who support Satan the god of this world.

  2. Everything Trump says is true, everything Obama and Hillary said was a lie. They support socialism that robs us of what made America great. I have researched this for 50 years. The House and Senate reocrds prove Democrats stand for Communism and consistently vote against the Constitution that was based on the truths of the Bible and gave us our God given freedoms. Democrats consistently vote against the Constitution and God's laws. Obama hates God and gloifies Allah who tells their people to murder people of other beliefs. The Muslim relegion has been behind violence against Christians all through history. Only Christianity is a relegion of peace. Jim Tinney you are a LIAR. I never heard Obama glorify God, but Trump prays and does glorify God many times.


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