Are Orthodox Jews Christian?
As a
Christian I agree with some of your beliefs. Yes, God did not use evolution to
create anything. And it is a lie created by Satan when he told Eve that man
would evolve using materialistic knowledge to become competitors with God. This
belief evolved into a religion by Nimrod/Semiramis at Babel called the
Mysteries of Isis and has become the New Age Religion of Antichrist promoted by
the descendants of the Philistine Nephilim. Creating the New Age Religion and secular
New World Order.
They are
right, the Torah is God’s spoken word written down by Moses. And must not be
added to or subtracted from, and must be confirmed by two or three references
in context. Those who read things into it are cursed.
I agree creation was about 5 thousand years ago. However, it could not be 5771 years ago, because Peter a Jew following Moses teachings, says a thousand years is as a day, and a day is as a thousand years. (Rabbis like PhD scientists and other experts always dispise and ridicule the common people like shepherds, carpenters, and fishermen. Adam was the first and he was a Gardener. However, God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise) This is a reference to the 7 days of creation week as a model of history, ending in the millennium (Sabbath of one thousand years) when Jerusalem will be the Capitol of the World, when David’s son sits on the throne of Israel from Nathan to Mary (Saphardic Jew), not Joseph (Ashke-nazi Jew) who had Nephilim contaminated blood from Solomon's Canaanite/Nephilim wives.
week was an illustration of history from creation to the end of the age and the beginning of God's eternal kingdom with Jerusalem as the Capitol.
The Jews
need to beware of the False Messiah and False Prophet, the Jesuit of Rome, who will
fool most Jews into a false 7 year Peace Treaty.
The promise to Israel that they would return to their land given by Moses in Deuteronomy 30:1-5 was fulfilled on May 15, 1967 and is continuing. This prophecy was fulfilled on the very day prophesied, thousands of years ago! However, it says Jews will return in ignorance and will be fooled by a covenant of death. Three and a half years later they will have to flee from the False Messiah’s army after he desecrates the Temple in Jerusalem.
The promise to Israel that they would return to their land given by Moses in Deuteronomy 30:1-5 was fulfilled on May 15, 1967 and is continuing. This prophecy was fulfilled on the very day prophesied, thousands of years ago! However, it says Jews will return in ignorance and will be fooled by a covenant of death. Three and a half years later they will have to flee from the False Messiah’s army after he desecrates the Temple in Jerusalem.
As for
ignoring the religion of evolution by remaining ignorant of it shows that Jews
are not being a light to the Gentile Nations as they claim. This Darwinian Theory
was created by the descendants of Gentile/Jews who say they know the theory is
false, and was to be used to undermine faith in the truth by Gentiles so they
can bring in the world dictator as the Messiah. And they say they will use, “Darwinism,
Marxism, and Nietzcheism” to bring in the Jewish False Messiah described in the
Illuminati Plan, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Scion which is an
extension of the Talmud, which includes hate literature against Gentiles,
Christians, Jesus, and The New Testament.
As beievers we must defend God's Word, to give an answer to those who seek the truth. Being ignorant of Satan's Conspiracy is to protect it from exposure as a fraud. And it will save lives here on earth and in the next life with God.
As beievers we must defend God's Word, to give an answer to those who seek the truth. Being ignorant of Satan's Conspiracy is to protect it from exposure as a fraud. And it will save lives here on earth and in the next life with God.
Jews have a form of Godliness, but have put more loyalty into man’s words in
the Talmud, Jewish mysticism the Kabbalah (from Babylon), and other rabbinical
writings overriding God’s Words. This is
where the Pagan Roman Catholic Church founded by a Jewish Pharisee (and the Pharisees
got this from Nephilim in Babylon and Egypt during their captivity) who got the
idea that the Pope speaks for God and overrules God’s Word. It is also where
Jews got the Pagan idea of Purgatory, like some Catholics go to pay for their
sins before going to Heaven. This is works and good works can never save
anyone. This is what the Pagan ancient Egyptians believed. This is false, God
proved that the sacrifice of animals and synagogue rituals cannot save a
sinner, and that Temple Worship was only a prophecy of a future Messiah. Their
salvation was accepted by God because it showed faith in God’s Word like
Abraham until the Messiah came.
Part of the twisting of God's Word where it says we will make man in our own image in Genesis. This supports the fact that God has been manifest as three persons. But if a Jew were to admit this fact, it shows lake of belief in the fact there is none other name in which we can be saved - Yesua!
Part of the twisting of God's Word where it says we will make man in our own image in Genesis. This supports the fact that God has been manifest as three persons. But if a Jew were to admit this fact, it shows lake of belief in the fact there is none other name in which we can be saved - Yesua!
Shebaal Peh is what Christians call the Holy Spirit which guides all believers
to the real meaning of the Torah or Old Testament. However, this has been
twisted to make Rabbis’ words superior to the written Torah. These rabbinical
writings often include hate literature against Gentiles, Jesus, and the New
Testament which was written by devout Jews like Paul the Apostle.
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