Christians are at War with Antichrist

Latest News: FBI confirms Obama rigged election for Hillary. And New American Magazine articles proves that the CIA can make the hacks appear to come from Iran, China, or Russia.

I have never trusted the main media Washington Post, New York Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and Fox, etc. (all run by CFRs) since the Kennedy Assignation Conspiracy that proved them liars. This is part of the Plan of the Illuminati as described by them in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Scion. They lie their heads off to keep you from reading the Protocols.
These liars have blamed Trump for hacking the election, when in fact the Clinton Gang (George Soros) were the ones who hacked the election. And Hillary colluded with Russia.

But the people who research the truth on the Internet’s alternate news and information knew better. The Bible says knowledge will increase just before Jesus return.

More proof: another-epic-fail-for-fake-news-msm
Jun 18, 2017 ... Along with the rest of the Fake News elitists, the globalists at NBC Universal are petrified that only 6 percent of the public trust the main news media .... Finding Fake News.

Jun 14, 2017 ... Finding Fake News. Examples of fake news — which encompass outright fabrications as well as gross distortions and censorship of real news ...


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