Is there Life on Other Planets?
This is my reseponse to XxINFIOUSxX comments on a video. A feelin less monster on YouTube: Gary Williams well the universe is infinite, it’ll be pretty crazy if we were the only ones, but it’s stupid to believe there are little green men, and no I’m not saying that aliens are infact demons, I’m just saying how people describe your “aliens” sound like the Bible’s demons. And I’m not talking about doma or that ----, im just stating the possibility’s. Like say that we’re the only ones and the universe is a example of Gods great power, or the planets have life but there on a diffrent dimensional plane. Who knows, but don’t say your right cuz there’s no proof yet m8, there’s just a ---load of theories. And ya that’s it, if what u said still got you ---thurt, then well I don’t know what mental problem you have. I’m just trying to have a enlightened conversation on scientific theories on the extraterrestrial. And no being a Christian does not mean I don’t believe in science or study it, they go quite good together btw
He was responding to: What Does the Bible Say About Extraterrestrial Life?
My Answer: Yes the descriptions of aliens is the same from different witnesses, showing they are real, including descriptions of UFOs and their actions. These are the chariots of the false gods.
Anything that is infinate cannot be physical. All things in this universe have a beginnintg and an end. Only the supernatural is infinate. God streatched out the universe, so it has to have and end to be streatched.
The universe is unamagenably vast but the Bible says we will live forever, so there is plenty of time and space to fill the universe, since time or physical limits will not exist in this Heavenly demension To fill the universe in the future is no problem.
Finding life
created on other planets would contradict scripture, since God made man to rule
over the universe and all living things. And angels were created to serve God
and man. And only angels are referred to in the Bible besides man and animals
on the earth. If life naturally appears on other planets as evolutionists claim it would contradict God's Word when he said he created life on earth, and does not
mention any other life besides Himself.
This is why unbelievers are behind the space program, like they were at Babel. They are desperately trying to prove life can evolve spontaneously on other planets to prove evolution is a fact and that God does not exist.
Or that God is only a highly evolved being or beings. Making God an ordinary highly evolved man.
No aliens
cannot be Demons because they are spirits. They influence people mentally, if
you let them. And Demons can possess a body. It appears they are the spirits of
Nephilim who died in the Flood in 2347 BC.
Most aliens
appear to be supernatural, but can manifest themselves as physical beings with
physical craft. From my research they appear to be several different kinds of
The Greys
appear to be genetically engineered bodies, possibly from human and animal genes
creating chimera, given life by Demon spirits, that resemble what we have been led to believe aliens look
The Reptilians may also be genetically engineered from human and reptile genes.
Possibly dinosaurs.
Then there
are entirely humanoid Nordics. These could be Fallen Angels.
Angels can produce offspring either through genetic engineering, or possibly genetically
engineered implanted embryos producing human hybrids called the Nephilim, or Annunaki by ancient alien theorists. Or since Angels in the Bible can appear human and
eat as described in the Bible, they may be able to produce offspring directly from human
women who have been abducted.
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