Reptilian Invasion of Satan

The Bible says Fallen Angels produced offspring at Babel about 1900 BC. In my research I have come to believe that there are black projects repeating what went on at Babel. That there are genetically engineering bodies for Demons, to create the impression that we are being invaded by aliens from another planet. As a cover for the invasion of Satan, his Fallen Angels, genetically engineered chimera from human and animal genetics, Demonic spirits, Demon possessed people, and their financed human agents.

I have researched UFOs and I have seen them. I know they are real and that they are Satanic.

I know this will be hard to believe with all the materialist thinking we have been programed to accept, but Satan and his Angels are real. But they want us to think they are myths or physical phenomenon. And that is why this conspiracy has remained a secret. But those who know me know that I do deep research into exposing the agenda of Satan. And warn people to warn others, to prepare to evacuate the earth in the Rapture. Jesus is coming to save us from this invasion. I have research this subject and find that it is a real danger to skeptics who ridicule.

The Reptilians (Communist UN) Agenda 21 Graphic


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