Second Worldwide Post-Flood Cataclysm
Based on an article by Dr. Andrew Snelling & Bodie Hodge and other
Creation Scientists I wrote to them and said:
I am sorry but my research shows you have not considered
most of the geologic research that is being done. Your conclusion that there
could not be another worldwide flood after Noah’s Flood is an incorrect
statement. No there wasn’t a worldwide flood in the Days of Peleg, otherwise
Peleg and his descendants would not be alive today. This is an unscientific
statement. It was a worldwide major cataclysm, but it did not flood the earth.
Yes there were mega Tsunamis, I have seen the evidence in the Miocene strata
from Alaska to Mexico all along the American coast myself.
Andrew Snelling well know creation scientist
Andrew Snelling well know creation scientist
Most creationists have come to realize that the Flood strata includes the
Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata. But the Cenozoic is Post-Flood strata. I proved
this in my research for Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1. And in my technical paper on the cataclysmic nature of the so called Tar Pits in Los Angeles.
Some creation scientists ignore
and contradict historical, geologic, biblical, evidence of a major Post Flood worldwide cataclysm.
Based on an article by Dr. Andrew Snelling & Bodie Hodge and other
Creation Scientists. I am sorry but my research shows you have not considered
most of the secular geologic research that is being done.
Your conclusion that there
could not be another worldwide flood after Noah’s Flood is an incorrect
statement. No there wasn’t a worldwide flood in the Days of Peleg, otherwise
Peleg and his descendants would not be alive today. This is an unscientific
statement. It was a worldwide major cataclysm, but it did not flood all the earth and did not cover mountains.
Yes, there were mega Tsunamis, I have seen the evidence in the Miocene strata
from Alaska to Mexico all along the American coast myself.
Most creationists have come to realize that the Flood strata includes the
Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata. And the Cenozoic is Post-Flood strata. I proved
this in my research for Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 and in my published technical paper on the asphalt seeps in McKitrick, La Brea, and Carpenteria.
You ignore
and contradict historical, geologic, biblical, and paleontological evidence.
You are out of touch with the major scientific world. Creationists have very
narrow beliefs based on assumptions, just like the evolutionists – both with
blinders on.
Creationists are also using consensus science, drawing wrong
conclusions, which is also being exposed in the secular world of science. This pride
in science goes before a fall. I am a science researcher general practitioner
that is despised by the proud PhDs who know it all. The Bible says the foolish
things of the world will confound the wise. I am one of those foolish things
like John the Baptist, David the Shepherd, and Jesus the carpenter, tax
collectors and fishermen.
Yes I have
heard the slander in Acts and Facts, “Don’t listen to Lone Ranger creationists.”
Let me
explain. Even though evolutionists have miss-dated these events stretched over
millions of imaginary years, they are right otherwise.
The New
Answers Book 3, Chapter 23 says, Did the Continents Split Apart in the Days of Peleg? by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling and Bodie Hodge on July
4, 2014
Here is what
the geologists say (if we ignore the million years):
Cenozoic rocks are extensively developed on all the
continents, particularly on lowland plains, as, for example, the Gulf and
Atlantic coastal plains of North America. They are generally less consolidated than older rocks
(Jeremy: I have documented this. The sediment is not always turned into rock including alluvium and siltstone.
And the mammals are not petrified like the dinosaurs in the Flood.), although
some are indurated (cemented) as a result of high pressure due to deep burial,
chemical diagenesis,
or high temperature—namely, metamorphism. Sedimentary rocks
predominate during the Cenozoic, and more than half the world’s petroleum occurs in such rocks of this age. Igneous
rocks are represented by extensive early Cenozoic flood basalts (those of East Greenland and the Deccan trap of India) and the late Cenozoic flood basalts of the Columbia River in Washington, as well as by numerous volcanoes in the circum-Pacific System (the “Ring of Fire”) and ocean island chains such as Hawaii.
Several of the world’s great mountain ranges were built during the
Cenozoic. (Jeremy: Notice, not during the Flood, but afterward) The main Alpine
orogeny (Jeremy: Worldwide earthquake), which produced the Alps and Carpathians in southern Europe and
the Atlas Mountains in northwestern Africa, began
roughly between 37 million and 24 million years ago. The Himalayas were
formed some time after the Indian Plate collided
with the Eurasian Plate.
These lofty mountains marked the culmination of the great uplift that occurred
during the late Cenozoic (Jeremy: Notice Late Post Flood) when the Indian Plate
drove many hundreds of kilometres into the underbelly of Asia. They are the
product of the low-angle underthrusting of the northern edge of the Indian
Plate under the southern edge of the Eurasian Plate.
From about five million years ago, the Rocky
Mountains and adjoining areas were elevated by rapid uplift of the entire region without faulting. This upwarping sharply steepened stream gradients,
enabling rivers to achieve greater erosional
power. As a result, deep river valleys and canyons, such as the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in northern Arizona, were cut
into broad upwarps of sedimentary rock during late Cenozoic time. (Jeremy: Only Post Flood mammals are found in the debris from the erosion of the Colorado river near the Gulf of Mexico - no dinosaurs)
On a global scale the Cenozoic witnessed the further
dismemberment of the Northern Hemispheric supercontinent of Laurasia:
Greenland and Scandinavia separated during the early Cenozoic about 55 million
years ago, and the Norwegian-Greenland Sea emerged, linking the North Atlantic
and Arctic oceans. The Atlantic continued to expand while the Pacific
experienced a net reduction in size as a result of continued seafloor spreading. The equatorially situated
east–west Tethyan seaway
linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was modified significantly in the east
during the middle Eocene—about 45 million years ago—by the junction of India
with Eurasia, and it was severed into two parts by the confluence of Africa, Arabia, and Eurasia
during the early Miocene approximately 18 million years ago. The western part
of the Tethys evolved into the Mediterranean Sea not long after it had been cut
off from the global ocean system (Jeremy: When Noah's Flood water slowly left the land) about 6 million to 5 million years ago and had
formed evaporate deposits (Jeremy: Left behind
in inland seas by the Flood) which reach up to several kilometers in thickness
in a land-locked basin that may have resembled Death Valley (Jeremy: The Mojave Desert was a lake during the
Pluvial Period of intense rain) in present-day California. Antarctica remained (Jeremy: Without Ice.) centered on the South Pole throughout the Cenozoic, but the northern continents
converged in a northward direction.
The global climate was much warmer during the
early Cenozoic than it is today (Jeremy: So the animals, plants, and people
could reestablish themselves and survive in a barren world after the Flood for about 350 years. See Piri Rirs maps. And drop in life span in the days of Peleg), and
equatorial-to-polar thermal gradients were less than half of what they are at
present. Cooling of Earth began about 50 million years ago (Jeremy: About 2
thousand BC) and, with fluctuations of varying amounts, has continued
inexorably to the present interglacial climatic period. It is to be noted that
a unique feature of the Cenozoic was the development of glaciation on the
Antarctic continent about 35 million years ago and in the Northern Hemisphere
between 3 million and 2.5 million years ago. Glaciation left an extensive
geologic record on the continents in the form of predominantly unconsolidated tills and glacial moraines, which in North America extend in a line as far south as Kansas,
Illinois, Ohio, and Long Island, New York, and on the ocean floor in the form
of ice-rafted detritus dropped from calving icebergs.
I do not
believe that the continents moved about like the continental drift theory
claims. Much of the sediment was thrown up onto the continents by the fountains
of the deep. There was some movement, but nothing like evolutionists describe.
And it happened in a short time during the Days of Peleg. They did move enough to produce some new
mountain ranges as described here as well as worldwide faults. The separation
of the continents was cause by some of this movement on plates, and the rise of
the ocean levels as seen in Palos Verdes California coast with its ocean terraces,
and tsunamis deposits of Miocene marine fossils from Alaska to Mexico producing
marine Miocene/terrestrial Pleistocene deposits which I have observed which
includes Lopoc, Chino, Santa Ana Mountains diatomite deposits, Shark tooth hill
in Bakersfield, and asphalt seeps at McKittrick, La Brea pits, Carpenteria and
Pleistocene Lake Manix in the Mojave Desert.
When the
Bible says he divided the earth it means by a change in language, followed by a
catastrophic orogeny that physically separated the continents. It was BOTH! God
knew they would break the language barrier and establish Babel’s world
government again. Today they are using technology. evidence.
Some creationists are out of touch with the major scientific world. Creationists have very
narrow beliefs based on assumptions, just like the evolutionists – both with
blinders on. Creationists are also using consensus science, drawing wrong
conclusions, which is being exposed in the secular world of science. This consensus science has been led by some creationists to bring creationists together, but it is stifling new discoveries by independent scientists. This pride
in science goes before a fall. I am a science researcher general practitioner
that is despised by the proud PhDs who know it all. The Bible says the foolish
things of the world will confound the wise. I am one of those foolish things
like John the Baptist, David the Shepherd, and Jesus the carpenter, tax
collectors and fishermen.
Yes I have
heard the slander, “Don’t listen to Lone Ranger creationists,” published in Acts and Facts.
Let me
explain. Even though evolutionists have missdated these events stretched over
millions of imaginary years they are right otherwise.
The New
Answers Book 3, Chapter 23
Did the Continents Split Apart in the Days of Peleg? by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling and Bodie Hodge on July
4, 2014
Here is what
the secular geologists say (ignore the false millions of years):
Cenozoic rocks are extensively developed on all the
continents, particularly on lowland plains, as, for example, the Gulf and
Atlantic coastal plains of North America. They are generally less consolidated than older rocks
(Jeremy: I have documented this. The sediment is not always turned into rock.
And the mammals are not petrified like the dinosaurs in the Flood.), although
some are indurated (cemented) as a result of high pressure due to deep burial,
chemical diagenesis,
or high temperature—namely, metamorphism. Sedimentary rocks
predominate during the Cenozoic, and more than half the world’s petroleum occurs in such rocks of this age. Igneous
rocks are represented by extensive early Cenozoic flood basalts, those of East Greenland and the Deccan trap of India) and the late Cenozoic flood basalts of the Columbia River in Washington, as well as by numerous volcanoes in the circum-Pacific System (the “Ring of Fire”) and ocean island chains such as Hawaii.
(Jeremy: By the way Cratering and the Earth:
Clues in Lineaments by W. R. Barnhart in the Volume 53
Number 3
Winter 2017 of the Creation Research Society Quarterly supports massive asteroid showers triggering the Flood, and I document another lager shower of smaller asteroid impacts during the Days of Peleg.)
Several of the world’s great mountain ranges were built during the
Cenozoic. (Jeremy: Notice, not during the Flood, but afterward) The main Alpine
orogeny (Jeremy: Worldwide earthquake), which produced the Alps and Carpathians in southern Europe and
the Atlas Mountains in northwestern Africa, began
roughly between 37 million and 24 million years ago. The Himalayas were
formed some time after the Indian Plate collided
with the Eurasian Plate.
These lofty mountains marked the culmination of the great uplift that occurred
during the late Cenozoic (Jeremy: Notice Late Post Flood) when the Indian Plate
drove many hundreds of kilometres into the underbelly of Asia. They are the
product of the low-angle underthrusting of the northern edge of the Indian
Plate under the southern edge of the Eurasian Plate.
From about five million years ago, the Rocky
Mountains and adjoining areas were elevated by rapid uplift of the entire region without faulting. This upwarping sharply steepened stream gradients,
enabling rivers to achieve greater erosional
power. As a result, deep river valleys and canyons, such as the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in northern Arizona, were cut
into broad upwarps of sedimentary rock during late Cenozoic time.
On a global scale the Cenozoic witnessed the further
dismemberment of the Northern Hemispheric supercontinent of Laurasia:
Greenland and Scandinavia separated during the early Cenozoic about 55 million
years ago, and the Norwegian-Greenland Sea emerged, linking the North Atlantic
and Arctic oceans. The Atlantic continued to expand while the Pacific
experienced a net reduction in size as a result of continued seafloor spreading. The equatorially situated
east–west Tethyan seaway
linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was modified significantly in the east
during the middle Eocene—about 45 million years ago—by the junction of India
with Eurasia, and it was severed into two parts by the confluence of Africa, Arabia, and Eurasia
during the early Miocene approximately 18 million years ago. The western part
of the Tethys evolved into the Mediterranean Sea not long after it had been cut
off from the global ocean system about 6 million to 5 million years ago and had
formed evaporate deposits (Jeremy: Left behind
in inland seas by the Flood) which reach up to several kilometers in thickness
in a land-locked basin that may have resembled Death Valley (Jeremy: The Mojave Desert was a lake during the
Pluvial Period of intense rain) in present-day California. Antarctica remained (Jeremy: Without Ice.) centered on the South Pole throughout the Cenozoic, but the northern continents
converged in a northward direction.
The global climate was much warmer during the
early Cenozoic than it is today (Jeremy: So the animals, plants, and people
could reestablish themselves and survive in a barren world. The green house effect and radiation shield was not entirely destroyed during the Flood, however it received further damage during Peleg's Division.), and
equatorial-to-polar thermal gradients were less than half of what they are at
present. Cooling of Earth began about 50 million years ago (Jeremy: About 2
thousand BC) and, with fluctuations of varying amounts, has continued
inexorably to the present interglacial climatic period. It is to be noted that
a unique feature of the Cenozoic was the development of glaciation on the
Antarctic continent about 35 million years ago and in the Northern Hemisphere
between 3 million and 2.5 million years ago. Glaciation left an extensive
geologic record on the continents in the form of predominantly unconsolidated tills and glacial moraines, which in North America extend in a line as far south as Kansas,
Illinois, Ohio, and Long Island, New York, and on the ocean floor in the form
of ice-rafted detritus dropped from calving icebergs.
I do not
believe that the continents moved about like the continental drift theory
claims. Much of the sediment was thrown up onto the continents by the fountains
of the deep. There was some movement, but nothing like evolutionists describe.
And it happened in a short time. They did move enough to produce some new
mountain ranges as described here as well as worldwide faults. The separation
of the continents was cause by some of this movement on plates, and the rise of
the ocean levels as seen in Palos Verdes California coast with its ocean terraces,
and tsunamis deposits of Miocene marine fossils from Alaska to Mexico producing
marine Miocene/terrestrial Pleistocene deposits which I have observed which
includes Lopoc, Chino, Santa Ana Mountains diatomite deposits, Shark tooth hill
in Bakersfield, and asphalt seeps at McKittrick, La Brea pits, Carpenteria and
Pleistocene Lake Manix in the Mojave Desert.
When the
Bible says he divided the earth it means by a change in language, followed by a
catastrophic orogeny that physically separated the continents. It was BOTH! God
knew they would break the language barrier and establish Babel’s world
government again. Today they are using technology.
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