New Creation Museum Fontana California

Help support my ministry and the building of my creation museum. 
I have worked as a professional researcher writer for The Creation Research Society, and founded two Bible Science groups. I create videos in support of creation science. The videos I make of a group I helped found, the Inland Empire Creation Science Association are on YouTube (Auldaney Channel) along with Bible Science documentaries. I have visited many fossil sites, meteorite sites, and archaeological sites in the western United States. I have been a creation science/prophecy in current events Sunday school teacher at Grace Bible Church. I have had a radio program on KPRZ and KPRO. I have published a magazine Biblical Science News on Facebook in since 2004. And Biblical Science News web site is my current newsletter where I publish an article a day on the average. Founded in 2016 and is reaching many countries around the world every day.


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