RFID Mark of the Beast

A United States soldier claims she has trained with California police to set-up checkpoints and force vaccinations on the public. Those who refuse will be boarded on a bus and taken to a concentration camp. She includes a photo of an RFID device she claims will be used to track people and materiel. She says the military and police will use electronic bracelets to track the vaccinated. Please note RFID CHIPS ARE NOW SMALL ENOUGH TO BE INJECTED THOUGH A NEEDLE

RFID is the Mark of the Beast and mind control. This means the Rapture is very close! Notice that there are lots of trains carrying thousands of military vehicles all over the country. This is being orchestrated by the Communist United Nations in preparation for the New World Order of Antichrist.

Swine Flu shot will shorten your life and dumb you down. They plan to kill off 70% of the world's population.


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