Speciation is Speculation

Creation scientists are doing a good work for the Lord, but they are not always right.

I was reading an old Institute for Creation Research, Acts and Facts June 2015.

The article BioOrgins, Purpose, and Promise Part 7.

Where did species originate? They don’t have an answer. But they adamantly claim speciation did happen. Did it? Where is the proof of that?
The fossils of animals in the Cenozoic right after the Flood are identical to ones living today, except some have become extinct, and they were often larger.

I discovered a fan palm I identified from a Miocene fossil site in Orange County and Corona. Creationists know these fossils are at least 4 thousand years old. I identified the palm by the design of the leaf fragments I found, that were identical to leaves on a palm living in my yard. So where did the other palms come from? 

Then I found a whole leaf in Anaheim Hills among fish, terrestrial leaves, whale bones, deep water lamp fish, and deep water Delectopectin in solid marine diatomite.

I discovered that fan palms appeared right after the Cretaceous strata in the Cenozoic. The Cretaceous is the most common strata laid down at the end of the Flood of Noah on top.

I do not believe they are related from a common ancestor.

This has convinced me that speciation is false, it only happens when man breeds organisms. Variations from recessive genes are not speciation. And it is not adaptation. It is a random process of different individuals of a common kind which was designed to help some to survive under different conditions.

If we go by secular paleontology of the Flood deposits, then all kinds were dinosaurs, reptiles, and a few small mammals.

So where are the humans, and other mammals living today? The fossil record is biased. We know all these kinds were created together, so that means something caused a bias which did not fossilize modern Post-Flood animals in the geologic column.

Creationist explanations show their ignorance. Rapid speciation after the Flood then tapered off, or speciation occurred in several bursts. This is what I call the Punctuated equilibrium theory of creationists. This is all ridiculous speculation with no evidence, and is obviously false.

Then they say maybe DNA mistakes are like a clock ticking of timing of changes in species.

Come on folks, this is sounds like evolution. That is because all this comes from evolution! Mutations are destructive and would not survive in nature.
I suggest that there are individual changes in offspring which may give them an advantage, but most likely all the different kinds of animals were there at creation, and after the Flood. Similarity of genetic design does not mean they are related from a common ancestor. So when two similar kinds are forced to mate, they can produce offspring. But most are infertile and cannot have offspring. But this does not prove they are all from the original kind. Scientists are experimenting with genetic engineering creating new species from entirely different organisms called chimera. Of course this is illegal so most do not know this is going on. Evolutionists think everything is related and this has led to this research. But just because the Bible uses the same letters, does not mean it is the same kind as a dictionary.

The best answer is kinds do very in minor ways, but they never produce new species. The whole idea of speciation is a hoax.

Yes, it does mean there were more animals than just two of every kind. There were buffalo, and there were cows. We only assume they are the same kind. But Noah’s Ark was plenty large enough to house juveniles. It was large enough to house all the zoos in the world.

I point out that there is only one kind of Homo sapiens sapiens.

And that ants from the Mesozoic are identical to particular kinds of ants today. And that today there are many entirely different kinds of ants that do not have eat, live, or act like the other kinds. In fact they do not and cannot mate and usually kill the other kinds.

Here are fossil ants in amber.


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