Dallas Cowboys Standing for America

    I wrote this on October 9, 2017. I was wrong about Mike Pence. He is a RINO. He could have objected and not allowed the certification of the fradulent voting. but he didn't. Pence is a traitor. We must be careful many Liberal Democrats are trying to fool Conservatives. Next time trump will be wiser in supporting enemy agents like him.

    We are trying to bring America back to faith in God and country to try and make it great again. But there are Liberal Conspirators sent by Satan who are undermining the effort. 

    I commend Trump and Pence for standing and not knelling to Baal.

    It is shocking to see the DISRESPECT for our country, its freedoms, and for God in public. What must other countries think? 

    Dictators would have those cowboys lynched.

    I commend Trump and Pence for standing and not knelling to Satan.

    I commend the Dallas Cowboy’s owner Jerry Jones, who spoke at length on the protests:

    “If it comes between looking non-supportive of our players and of each other or creating the impression that you’re disrespecting the flag, we will be non-supportive of each other. We will not disrespect the flag.”


    Then the CFR Illuminati controled media (USA Today) came in with this satanic comment:

    "But he made his strongest statements yet about how he will handle any demonstrations moving forward, declaring that anyone on his team who does so will be held out of games.
What a shame. Jones is game for denying a basic American right for his players."

    Jeremy: Sounds like a resepons from the Liberal Conspircy. So having no respect for America, but still have basic American right? They should be exiled to Cuba!

    This is the kind of Communist corruption that is in our entertainment.


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