Russian Collusion with Trump

Judicial Watch (JW) has exposed the Russian collusion with Trump theory.
The CFR Illuminati controlled media has been spouting this lie as if it were a fact.
So JW sent a Freedom of Information Act order to the U.S. Department of (In-Justice) Justice still controlled by Obama agents. One of five other orders. And as always , whenever a Conservative asks for information that is not a security breach from the Environmental Protection Agency, Pentagon, Department of Education, Department of Justice, FBI, NSA, CIA they always illegally ignore the order.  
So JW sues them.

These agencies are run by people who are disciples of Saul Alinsky and would like to assonate or discredit Trump. So why are they refusing information that would either prove Trump administration guilty, or prove the Liberals/Democrats are lying!

They claim Hillary received classified documents from Russia that would be used to blackmail Trump. These records were from a private business espionage company, Obis Business Intelligence in England. The U.S. Department of Justice paid a $1 million dollars to give to Obama on compromising financial information from Russian classified information. However, this report was never revealed through the media because they could not confirm the report. So they simply used it as propaganda.

This is fraudlent use of tax money for illegal purposes.


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