Deception in the Church

Ted Cruz's father spoke at a prophecy conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in support of Cruz. The same conference had a Theistic Evolutionist as the main speaker Frank Turek. I have discovered since then that Calvary Chapel's dove Holy Spirit symbol means they are part of the Satanic Charismatic Movement (the symbol came from Aleister Crowley's satanic secret society logo the same as TBN's) led by Jesuits. Calvary Chapel's founder was Chuck Smith, and Greg Laurie of Harvest Riverside CA (a break off from Calvary Chapel) with Chuck Smith spoke at the Harvest Crusade along with the False Prophet promoting heresies Rick Warren promoting the Catholic False Prophet and Chrislim joining Catholics and Muslims with Christians under the False New Age Religion of the coming False Prophet of Rome.

Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie, and Rick Warren together. Rick Warren is one of the most evil theologians today. He is working with the Jesuits to bring Pagan Catholics, Protestants, and Pagan Muslims together under the Universal Church of the False Prophet in preparation for the Antichrist to arise.

 Calvary Chapel Holy Spirit logo. Notice it is pointing down, normally this dove is pointing up. Notice the occult owl in the tail?
 This is Aleister Crowley's logo for his Satanic secret society gathering all occult groups together. Notice that the dove is similar to Calvary Chapel and identical to TBN's logo below. Also notice that it resembles the Royalty schield of Europe the Revived Roman Empire of Antichrist. Also see the Knights Templar cross. They are behind the New World Order of Antichrist. My grandfather was a Knights Templar Scotish Rite of Freemasonry.

Chuck Smith's son Elliott had become deeply involved in Dungeons and Dragons and was listening regularly to secular music and committed suicide. Chuck said, "I was too ignorant to see where it was leading him until it was too late." These games like all video games are deep into witchcraft and Chuck did not know that? He produced videos on these subjects!

Calvary Chapel Alert For Pastors and Church Leaders - Documenting ...
(Photo used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act, which allows the fair use ... VIDEO - Greg Laurie Sponsors Emergent Contemplative Conference ... Will Rick Warren Play a Role In Persuading Some Calvary Chapel Pastors To Follow His ...
Chuck Smith from Calvary Chapel entertains Rick Warren ...…/chuck-smith-from-calva…...
Feb 25, 2011 - In 2009 Chuck Smith introduced Rick Warren as "my good friend who pastors ... Rest assured – if the Chuck Smith / Greg Laurie and the like ...
Calvary Chapel Hit by Riptide embracing False Teacher Rick Warren ...
Video for photoes greg laurie, chuck smith, rick warren 6:04
May 29, 2013 - Uploaded by u2bheavenbound
2014 Calvary Chapel Pastor Brian Brodersen allows false teachings Rick ... with Greg Laurie and false ...
From the Lighthouse BlogConcerns for Calvary Chapel -
Archive for the 'Concerns for Calvary Chapel' Category ... highly influential evangelical leaders heading in this direction: Rick Warren, Beth Moore, James ... The Instagram our reader was referring to shows a photo of Greg Laurie, his wife, and ...
Calvary Chapel's continuing slide into APOSTACY - Sermon Index…...
Sep 14, 2009 - The object of grievance for many who love Calvary Chapel and all that it ... Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie and Rick Warren appearing together on the ... Greg's Images Twittered live from Harvest 2009 ♢ Back Stage Twitter video ...
The Master's Road: Rick Warren: Party Crasher…/rick-warren-party-crasher.html
Oct 31, 2013 - “Which one of the Calvary Chapel Pastors invited Rick Warren to be on stage at ... He even butted in on the Group Photo of all of the Calvary Chapel Guys after ... I agree, I believe Greg Laurie to be the strongest suspect as I ...
Legacy of Calvary Chapel's Pastor Chuck Smith Shared by Countless ... › church & ministry
The Christian Post
Oct 4, 2013 - Greg Laurie Interview with Chuck Smith: A Lifetime of Impact [VIDEO] ... International Purpose Driven Training Pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake ... (Photo: Tony Caggegi)On a Facebook group paged dedicated to praying ...


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