Pleistocene Salton Sea Geology

The Salton Sea is one of the few ancient Cenozoic lakes which are remnants of the worldwide flood after it receded from the land in 2348 BC. Then again after the Flood, in the days of Peleg about 1900 BC, there was another shower of asteroids causing a second worldwide earth upheaval, with volcanic eruptions and orogenies (mountain building mega-earthquakes) caused the mountain ranges to form, volcanic eruptions, and megatsunamis waves impacted the coasts worldwide traveling inland for hundreds of miles. Faults caused huge inland lakes to breach their dams and flood areas where faults formed runoff passageways. to the oceans. Large deposits of large terrestrial mammals, marine, and freshwater fossil deposits were formed in mudstone, sand, gravel, caves, bogs, asphalt seeps, sandstone, and shale. Most of these fossils are not petrified like those in the Flood and contain no dinosaurs.


  1. Where is the Salton Sea? What references are available either online or a library to verify this "is one of the few ancient Cenozoic lakes which are remnants of the worldwide flood after it receded from the land in 2348 BC."?

    1. This is a known fact look it up yourself. I did. I believe it was wikipedia. The Salton Sea as I said in the article is in lower California. Look it up too. Of course they will not say it is part of the worldwide Flood because all establishment scientists are paid by the Illuminati and believe in the evolution lie created by the Learned Elders of Zion. I am an independant researcher who is uncovering cutting edge discoveries.

    2. You must be a coward to go under Unknown.

  2. The Illuminati? Is this what you are talking about? Regarding thee Salton Sea, thank you for explaining the location. It seems to be a bit disingenuous to not give links to your cutting edge research. Especially when you indicate that looking it up will not verify your conclusion about the Salton Sea being part of the worldwide Flood. So, what sources from your research will you show to back up the statement the Salton Sea is one of the few ancient Cenozoic lakes which are remnants of the worldwide flood after it receded from the land in 2348 BC?

    1. Of course the secular literature based on evolutionary assumptions will not say it is part of the Flood of Noah in 2348 BC. They misdate the Pleistocene back 10 thousand years to 2.6 million years. Then they date the Cretaceous to 65 millions years. I and many others have conducted research which shows the Cenozoic started less than 5 thousand years ago, not 65 million. I am a creation science researcher and I know the cause and correct dating of these desert dry lakes along with hundreds of creation scientists at ICR and CRS.

      However, secular scientists (evolutionists) do agree with us. Because they say Salton Sea is one of the few remaining huge lakes that existed in the Pleistocene all over the world during the Pluvial Period when there were massive flooding from rains and melting ice. This is the same time as the Tower of Babel and the Days of Peleg based on massive research I have been involved in. Evolutionists have the dates all wrong. Their dating methods have been falsified by many secular researchers. See documentation in my books. Mysteries of History Revealed.

  3. Actually the Wikipedia is biased. It tells you what the establishment wants you to believe. No the Illuminati started with Satan when he told Eve man could evolve into gods. This was the origin of evolution.

    The Illuminati have been led by different men who were of the bloodlines of the Nephilim. They include all the rich and powerful throughout history. After the Flood in 2348 BC Nimrod and Semiramis led the Illuminati of their day. They were not called Illuminati at that time. The Illuminati grew out of the cult founded by Semiramis called the Mysteries of Isis. From that false occult religions and organizations were created to control society. They created the Knights Templars in medieval times. This evolved into the Perfectibilists (evolution, and religions based on man's works) which orchestrated the French Revolution. The main 13th Illuminati family was the French Royal bloodline the Merovingians. Then they founded the Masonic Headquarters in Washington DC in 1776 to control America and use it to set up the New Worl Order.

    All this history has been distorted into myth and falsely called conspiracy theory. It is not a theory, it is documented history which has been buried and distorted by the Illuminati.

    Their main plan is described and revealed in detail in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

    1. The Illuminati today are the Knights Templars which existed to our day of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. This fact is never mentioned by most. However, my grandfather was a Knights Templar and Shriner. This order includes King Arthur and his Knights.

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