Davy Crockett a Christian?
Crockett was a Freemason. Many famous people in history were Masons, and have orchistrated the creation of a socialist New World Order, see my book Mysteries of History Part 2 for documentation. Davy Crockett was a Humanist and socialist who was converted! Although Walt Disney, another Mason promoted his fame in the first premier television programs promoting Disneyland. Disney did not tell the whole story.
Crockett said: "I have told you Mr. Bunce converted me politically. He
came nearer converting me religiously than I had ever been before. He did not
make a very good Christian of me, as you know; but he has wrought upon my mind
a conviction of the truth of Christianity, and upon my feelings a reverence for
its purifying and elevating power such as I had never felt before.
militia colonel David Crockett, perhaps best known for his role in the 1836
defense of the Alamo, also served three terms in the United States Congress
between 1827 and 1835. Nationally known during his lifetime as a political
representative of the frontier, Crockett apparently came by that reputation
honestly, inasmuch as he was not above listening to his constituents. The
following excerpt from an 1884 biography by Edward Sylvester Ellis, The
Life of Colonel David Crockett, might reveal how his own rural electorate
taught him the importance of adhering to the Constitution and the perils of
ignoring its restrictions.
For the story see:
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