Our Celestial Bodies
On Creation
Magazine television program a viewer asked a question. Paraphrase, “How could
there been no death before Adam sinned? I cannot believe that there was no
manslaughter, accidents, or even stepping on an ant.”
The fact is
God said there will be no death or suffering. Eden was perfect. There was no
entropy or deterioration. Things did not wear out. So do you believe God?
Without faith you cannot please Him.
I have thought
the same thing, how can it be? How can accidents and mistakes not happen in
Heaven or to saints (with Celestial bodies) during the millennium? How can
there be no accidents or mistakes in the next world. The answer is we think from
a physical viewpoint. During the millennium it will almost be a perfect world.
Livings things will live longer (several hundred years without sickness), but
there will be accidents, and death, because the world will not be perfect like
the new earth renovated to perfection after the millennium.
We are
limited in our thinking by our physical understanding of the present universe.
But those taken in the Rapture before the Tribulation Period along with those
saints who have died will receive new supernatural (Celestial) bodies like the
angels. These immortals cannot die, do not get sick, do not need to eat or
sleep (they can eat only if they want to), they do not need air to breath, they
can levitate, they can materialize as physical beings, or vanish, they do not
need cloths (they glow), they can travel to a distant planet instantly.
The evidence
for these things are described in the Bible. Adam and Eve did not need cloths,
Adam and Eve could communicate with the animals, an angel caused Balaam’s
donkey to speak, Jesus and two angels appeared as physical men to Abraham,
Jesus walked through a locked door after he was risen, an angel caused Paul’s
prison doors to open, he put the guards to sleep. Fallen angels had offspring
with human women.
I suggest
that the supernatural world is more real than our physical virtual reality.
With a supernatural body you cannot have an accident, your body would pass
through the physical object. You would avoid stepping on an ant because you
would be aware that he is there. And if you did your foot would pass through
him unharmed.
Most of man’s
mistakes are caused by his misinterpreting of supernatural things and miracles
from a physical materialistic viewpoint. Our future Celestial bodies are not
limited to time and space. We will receive abilities greater than the angels.
This is what made Lucifer jealous.
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