Moses Replaced by Baal 666
with the Mysteries of Isis at Babel, Satan has tried to mix belief in God and
his Word with Pagan Religion that has led to turning Christian Saints into
Pagan idols. My wife’s grown daughter took her to the wax museum in Buena Park.
My wife told me that Bonnie noticed that the naked statue of David was
I told her
very interesting because I had been saying all along that the Catholic saints
actually represented idols of Pagan gods. I told her David is actually Nimrod
who was symbolized by a penis. You see it as phallic stones in ancient Megalithic
culture of the Nephilim all over the world. It is represented by the obelisks
of Egypt. One of these became the Washington Monument in America’s capitol
District of Columbia (another name for the wife of Nimrod prototype for all
goddess worship), and another obelisk went to the Vatican. The obelisk represents Nimrod also known as
Baal the first Antichrist after the Flood. Perverted sex is an important part
of satanic religion.
In ancient
times, when a person was convicted of possession of Satan practicing witchcraft,
they were killed and sometimes cut up into pieces, because a vampire or Satan possessed
person cannot die. Like the Antichrist when he is shot in the head and comes
back to life revived as a zombie (the origin of the legend of Dracula the
Dragon ruler) a body reanimated by a demonic spirit. Of course Satan is much
more powerful than a common Demon.
I remember the
museum in Forest Lawn Cemetery. The naked statue of Mercury shows him with
wings on his feet and a helmet with wings like the florist flower shop’s logo.
His penis is erect.
I also saw a
statue of what they claim is Moses. He has horns on his head. This means he is
another symbolic representation of Mercury who is Cush, Nimrod’s father son of
Ham. Cush was the first to become a trance medium contacting spirits after the
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