Demonic Creatures are Real
There is a
lot of evidence that big foot, etc. are real, but consist of several causes.
Some are reports of unidentified gorillas, others are hoaxes. But some could be
real and give evidence that they are humans. The odd thing about them is they
are usually hairy giants that leave tracks about 18 inches, and are often
reported in the area and time of UFO and occult phenomena.
I believe
they could be a remnant of the Nephilim giants. Sometimes they are associated
with sulfuric smells and are called skunk apes. This sulfuric oxide is often
associated with paranormal events like séances and evil spirits.
All over the
world there are native legends of the Nephilim giants who built megalithic
stone structures, and were there before they arrived and they say they were cannibals
and they feared them. They warned their children that the Bogy Man would get
In the
article below that mentions the Wendigo like the Spring Heeled Jacks. They
would frighten people out at night. Then they could jump to the tops of houses or
over walls. I remember a UFO report where cattle mutilations occurred. Someone
saw a strange humanoid creature, it fled by jumping over a fence and
disappeared into the night.
In the
article below they describe some of the reports of the Wedigo. They mention
that the pioneers heard these reports from the American Natives, who have
occult religions and are superstitious. But the American settlers were mainly
materialist and did not believe in evil spirits because science has proven
there are no paranormal events. The White man’s religion was nominal Christian,
but most, like today, look at things from an atheistic logic and have ignored
the Bible when it says demonic spirits are very real. I believe these are reports of these evil
creatures are reports of demon possessed people and/or demonic spirits. Today
most still do not believe in the supernatural, and interpret these encounters
as hallucination, hoaxes, or misidentified objects. And the New Age, Ancient Astronaut Theory to
explain away the coming massive invasion of demonic creatures when the
Antichrist is revealed.
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