Birds Evolved from Dinosaurs?
American tells us:
On November 24, 1887, naturalist/paleontologist Harry Govier
Seeley stood before London’s Royal Society to make one of his most important
contributions to paleontology. His paper was “On the Classification of the
Fossil Animals commonly named Dinosauria” – the terrible lizards being exhumed
in greater number and variety than anyone had anticipated.
Editor's Comment: The
discovery of dinosaurs scientised the Pagan myths of Egypt, where it is said
life evolved from seaweed in the Nile. When they found these amazing animals unlike anything living today they claimed that this showed that dinosaurs evolved into today's animals. This was based on the misconception that the differences did not represent change in the morphology, but rather, they had become extinct, while some survived. They were thinking materialistic, rather than spiritual. They made death into the creator and forgot that death is an enemy and the penalty for sin. The Bible says the things of God are spiritually understood. Creation was by God, not nature.
The Scientific American article goes on:
It was a simple and ingenious solution. The dinosaurs known
at the time had the tripartite arrangements of their hip bones in one of two
configurations. There were dinosaurs like Diplodocus and Ceratosaurus with
a “lizard-hipped”, or saurischian, hip shapes immediately recognizable from a
forward-pointing pubis bone. Other dinosaurs, such as Camptosaurus,
had the pubis pointing backward to join another bone called the ischium in what
Seeley called the ornithischian, or “bird-hipped” shape.
Now Seeley’s classic arrangement is in question. Earlier this
year paleontologists Matthew Baron, David Norman, and Paul Barrett unveiled a
new dinosaur phylogeny that offers very different view of who’s related to
For the observant
person this reveals the fact that all this including evolution is based on imagination, not facts.
The new classification. It shows that ALL the lines have missing links, there are no continuous chains. And they are often changed, because they are based on fiction. Missing chains of links show there is no fossil evidence for evolution
But is the new classification going to stick? Any
phylogenetic tree is a hypothesis
(Editor’s Note: Details of evolution are only
accepted because it is the only way natural processes could produce the appearance
of design, like the imagination in a Disney cartoon. When a character walks off
a cliff without being aware of it he can continue to walk until he realizes he
is walking on thin air),
subject to testing and change with additional analysis
and discovery. Other experts may disagree about the species selected for
analysis or how certain skeletal characteristics are coded in the input data. (Editor’s
Note: But they never question if evolution ever happened.)
All of this taxonomic wrangling is about more than names. The
new tree has major implications for what paleontologists think the earliest
dinosaurs were like, not to mention how each of the major subdivisions evolved.
(Editor’s Note: This just so story will force other scientists to conform to
this imagination i.e. consensus science, majority rule.)
There are
many facts that contradict evolution theory and falsify it, but since the
establishment of this God rejecting world refuse to acknowledge God they must come
up with materialistic (atheistic) science fiction stories to explain the facts.
Secular Wikipedia confirms this bird/lizard hipped fact which contradicts the theory.
Maybe evolutionists are going back to believing in dragon birds! It is interesting that the rise of the Dargon/Bird the Phoenix out of the fires of Baal, is symbolic of the rise of The New World Order and the reincarnation of the Egyptian Horus the Antichrist 666.
All carnivorous dinosaurs (certain types of theropods) are
saurischians, as are all of the birds and one of
the two primary lineages of herbivorous dinosaurs,
the sauropodomorphs.
Based on the
assumption that birds evolved from small bipedal dinosaurs running through the
jungle from a predator, or chasing prey their arms eventually moved from in front
to the rear and scales slowly became feathers. If you try to imagine this it is
hard not to start laughing uncontrollably.
Of course,
when the evidence shows their assumptions could not happen they dream up
another story, because there are no facts that support them. They are temporary
‘facts’ only because they cannot accept the truth that things did not evolve,
they were created by intelligent designe.
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