Charlottesville Was Planned Attack on Freedom

Both sides were involved. And of course there were innocent people there as well as Trump stated. Why should they take down the statue of Robert E. Lee? These rioters who class him and the South with Nazis and White Supermen are liars, and would make him roll over in his grave.
Liberals blamed Trump who had nothing to do with any riots. All these riots have been supported and financed by the Priory de Scion renegade Jew George Soros, and the Rothschild Illuminati following Saul Alinsky’s directions in Rules for Radicals for Change agents like Hitlery and Obama.
Then the Liberal Conspiracy blamed Trump for not coming out and condemning these riots. When he did they blamed him for not speaking out sooner. Since when does he have to speak out? Everyone already knows killing and violence are evil committed only by evil conspirators to bring in the Antichrist.
The Vice President and Trump’s daughter spoke out before Trump did. But they are not in a position of authority, Trump is. He is right he had to do some investigation before he could say anything about who was to blame. And he did. Now they blame him for saying BOTH sides were to blame! Amen!
 Sherlock Holms said in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s books that he never discusses conclusions until he had observed all the facts. 


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