C.S. Lewis Illuminati Change Agent

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis - Book 1, Ch 01
Published on Aug 28, 2017
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

This is, in the opinion of many (myself included), the best book ever written (after, of course, The Bible).
All comments are appreciated, especially to assess my decision to invest the time to complete the entire video series.
This book is a great adventure into the mind of a genius. Lewis admits his reluctance to reconsider atheism as his thought experiments lead him to the undeniable fact that Christianity must be the one true religion.
God Bless all who read this.
Ken Potter

My Answer to Ken Potter:

C.S. Lewis was a Catholic. Catholicism is Paganism in disguise. His and Tolkien stories came from there occult background, they spawned the secular Star Track, Star Wars, and Star Gate Neo-Paganism and witchcraft. And these movies have been accepted as allegories for Christian beliefs in these Pagan Protestant churches who deny the inerrancy of the King James Bible.
This Roman Catholic Church was founded by Simon the Sorcerer who was also a Jewish Pharisee. A Jesuit Pope will be the False Prophet. They have tried to keep laymen from reading the Bible. The Catholics contradict and blaspheme God's Word in many places. And they have made the Pope into a god who must be obeyed. They have turned saints into Pagan Roman and Greek gods to be worshiped as idols. Especially the Goddess of Babylon falsely claimed to be Jesus Mother Mary, who created the Mysteries of Isis, the goddess with many names because of the scattering from Babel.

C.S. Lewis was a member of a secret society an offshoot of the Illuminati creating the New World Order of Antichrist. C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, etc. were false prophets, C.S. Lewis was teaching Christianity to adults and witchcraft to children in Sunday school. These were the change agents that have undermined belief in the inerrancy of the Bible. They support the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion's Plan to promote Darwinism (As theistic evolution by space aliens i.e. Nephilim) to undermine the Bible and its warning about the Antichrist. They include Hugh Ross and his theistic evolution. And bringing together pagan religions Catholicism, Protestants, and Muslims together Rick Warren and his Purpose Driven Church is the equivalent to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicles for Clinton and Obama. They work with change agents outside Christian churches, and inside Christian churches.

The Bible warns that Satan's Agents come as Angels of Light, this is where we get Illuminati the torch bearers for Lucifer.


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