These Are the Last Days!

Have you noticed the recent rash of flooding, earthquakes, riots, tattoos, odd clothing, odd hair color, profanity, ignorance about the Bible, mega tornadoes,

ignorance about the facts of science, the ignoring of our Constitution, increase in senseless murder, outright lies on media news, attacks on freedom of speech, odd weather, the Paganization of society, hate against Jews, hate against Christians, hate against

Conservatives, hate against truth in general, the dumbing down of media, the dumbing down of schools and universities, illiteracy, and lack of proper English, increase in hate crimes, increase in knowledge and increase in ignorance by the public in general, increase in technology, lack of morality, hate toward police and authority, the lack of respect for the President, lack of respect and honor toward our war heroes both North and South, glamorizing terrorist groups, allowing Trojan Horses inside our gates, support of terrorist groups, lack of legal action against criminals in our government and our rich and powerful, increase in greed, and allowing illegal invaders from societies that hate our freedoms and Christianity, phony propaganda passed off as news, ignoring the murder of innocent people in other countries, rare events in the heavens, the movement toward a New World Order, wars and rumors of wars, Marxism taking over society, increase in meteorite impacts, increase in the size of meteorites, and sudden lack of reporting of meteorite events by NASA? 

Can you add more?


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