The Assassination of Trump

WARNING! America is under attack by the Liberal Conspiracy of the Marxist New World Order of Antichrist. They plan to assassinate Trump. PRAY FOR TRUMP. They want to use scalar waves discovered by Nikola Tesla to cause Trump to have a heart attack. Tesla was assassinated and his inventions were stolen. They are being perfected at sites like Area 51. The information below is important for all freedom loving Christians to read and understand. The Antichrist is about to take over. But Christians will be beamed up into space in the Rapture.

I read about scaler waves in The Cosmic Conspiracy by Stan Deyo where he says they can be used to create an explosion on the other side of the earth. And I heard about it recently in Eugene F. Chaffin's article in the Creatio9n Research Society Quarterly Variable Neutgrino Mass, and Accelerated Dedcay (od radioactive minerals causing radioactive dating to appear to be millions of years when they are actually only thousands of years old). COSMIC CONSPIRACY - FINAL EDITION 2010 [Stan Deyo] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The original 'bible' on the Conspiracy to ..


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