Will Antichrist Kick Trump from White House?

Trump Is Just Six Senate Votes Away From Impeachment

If this is true the Antichrist is about to take over America, then the world!


The REAL END-GAME For President Trump and How Charlottsville Virginia Is Involved—Hagmann Tells All…

Proof that this was part of the Liberal Conspiracy is found in the fact that the ACLU, that opposes all Conservative activity, supported the demonstration in Charlottsville, and the Damnedocrat Liberal Mayor supported it also.


I was trying to post this on Facebook Aug 17th 2017, then I was told I was using an old Password, when Itried my new password I had recorded, this notice below came up. I do not trust Facebook, they are run by Liberals, and I think they want to sabotage my computer.
I have not been able to log onto Facebook since. They give me this warning each time. I believe it is there way of violating freedom speech, and exposing of their secrets. So they are using another way of preventing me from reaching the public with my advertising of this web site,  and my comments on Facebook. They say I am using an old Password. Then this notice came up when I tried the new Password:

Let's Check Your Device for Malicious Software
Hi Jeremy, we're continuously working to keep your account secure. We've noticed that this device may be infected with malicious software. To continue to use Facebook, you can either use other devices or clean this device by downloading the scanner provided by Facebook and Kaspersky Lab.

Liar, I already used a Cleaner and they still tell me this. 

I investigated Facebook's evil Kaspersky Lab (virus production company) and found I was RIGHT. 

See: http://jackyan.com/blog/2016/01/when-facebook-forces-you-to-download-their-anti-malware-your-own-antivirus-gets-knocked-out/  

However it is worse than this person reported. He assumed that Kaspersky (Casper the Ghost who posseses your computer) antimalware was just a competitor to McAfee antiMalware, however the reason Facebook wanted to plant a virus on my computer is because they are run by the Illuminati's Liberal Conspiracy and they had no right to interfere in freedom of speech and could not prove I was wrong in exposing their Worldwide Marxist Conspiracy. so they have planted this phoney story that my computer has a visus that they could cure. But their doctor Kaspersky (Dr. Kavorkian I presume) was going to give me poison! I can not post on Facebook right now. But I am going to turn them in to my lawyer, and the authorities and they will have to remove this block. I know the Illuminati are on to me, as a worrior for Jesus!
You have seen the Antichrist and his loyal disciple Hillary. Now here is the False Prophet:
The horns satanic hand sign common to Illuminati leaders. Sometimes mistaken for love. The goddess of lust is often mistaken for love.

The Jesuit Pope denies Jesus as the only way to Heaven.

Notice the Knights Templar Pagan Rosey Cross - the Red Cross. The ancient Knights were scattered to Scotland in the 1300s, but they remained in hiding till the French Revolution. Today their descendants of the Nephilim Merovingian French Dynasty are Kinghts Templars of the Scotish Rite of Freemasonry.
They lie and say this represent the crucifiction of Peter. How come they honor Peter over Jesus?
Notice the fish hat the Pope is wearing. It was worn by priests of Baal and represents the Beast from the sea that started the Merovingian Dynasty. And it is the symbol of the pagan god (Nephilim) Dagon or Neptune

The satanic witch's pentagram representing Satan as the goat. Remember the Bible says during the White Throne Judgement God will send the Goats into Perdition. 


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