White Supremicists Satanic Origins

This was written by a man who was fooled into joining the American Nazi Party. The fact it is true, except for the fact that the Nazis do not tell the whole story. There are two kinds of Jews. The renegade half Gentile Jews called Ashkenazi (This is where the name Nazi came from) who only believe in the Old Testament and deny the Messiah Jesus. These are the Knights Templar Freemasons who produced the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion of the Priory de Scion. They disrobed God by marrying into Pagan Gentile bloodlines which were contaminated with Nephilim bloodlines.

The Bible teaches we are all one family and there are no races, this comes from Darwinian evolutionary thinking. 

The Illuminati Jews are the French Royal lineage of the Merovingians who claim to be descendants of Jesus through Solomon from Mary Magdalene. They also secretly claim they are offspring of space aliens. This is a blasphemous heresy. Today they worship Baal in the form of Baphomet the transgender idol of the Knights Templar.

And there are no races, only national people groups, divided by God at Babel to prevent their World Government the New World Order.
Hitler was an Ashkenazi Jew, who followed the words of men the Talmud. Hitler and his Nazi gang wanted to kill off all Sephardic Jews who follow 

the Old Testament. However, they also reject their Messiah Jesus. But they will be saved during the Tribulation Period of 7 years.
Now take a look at the Nazi symbol. The swastika is the reverse of the Native swastika in ancient pictographs. The Nazi one is in reverse, meaning the satanic swastika. As opposed to the white swastika. This is a version of yin and Yang, or Black Magick as opposed to White Magick. This is the basic religion of Satan. The swastika is another 

Notice the ancient Native swastika is the White version of the Nazi Black Magick symbol. Also notice that the Neo-Nazi and use the sun cross and Knights Templar and Pagan Celtic symbol of the Red Cross

Notice the swastika is an ancient Native cross the opposit of the black magick Nazi sun symbol
form of the sun symbol used in ancient Egypt to represent Baal as (magic square) 666.  This 666 represent the descendants of the Fallen Angels offspring the Nephilim.
Now look at the Eagle. It is same as the one used by ancient Rome and America. It represents the back of the Illuminati eye in the triangle. The Illuminati eye represent psychic power, the third eye, i.e. the sun god 666.
This is not an Eagle or Hawk. They represent a disguised Phoenix reptile/bird that rises out of the hell fires of Baal on Mat Day.
 Below is what this dupe says and is partly right. What the Nazis and White Supremacists say is right, but they are an offshoot of the Illuminati. The thesis and antithesis or Yin and Yang the two sides of Lucifer worship to create anarchy against Jews which Satan hates because God used them to bring all of us to the Messiah and his Word in both the Old and New Testaments.
72 He had books for sale, among them The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. These I studied carefully. The Jews howl bitterly that they are a forgery, (Editor’s Note: The evil Illuminati Jews descendants of the Pharisees who crucified Jesus and when on to found the Roman Catholic Church) but this is as irrelevant as claiming that a man did not commit a murder with one particular knife, but another knife altogether. It matters not which knife was used. The fact is that somebody did a murder. The Protocols, first put in the British Museum at the turn of the century, long before World War I or II, set forth with horrible clarity exactly what some group would bring about in the way of world wars, (Editor’s Note: 3 World Wars, The Bolshevik Communist  Revolution, infiltrated the American Revolution, and led the French Revolution) inflations, depressions and moral subversions; how they would do it and to whom they would do it. https://www.americannaziparty.com/This_Time_the_World/images/top.pnghttps://www.americannaziparty.com/This_Time_the_World/images/menu.png
73 Sixty years later, not one word has failed of fulfillment exactly as set forth in The Protocols. if they are "forged", then it was done by a genius who knew exactly what (Editor’s Note: a few Gentile/Jews the Illuminati) the Jews of the world would do for sixty years, with not partial, but perfect accuracy. The Protocols alone, of all knowledge on this earth, give one the power to predict successfully historical events, as I have been able to do since studying them. A theory which enables scientific, calculated prediction is not the mark of a fraud, but always the mark of a realistic theory. https://www.americannaziparty.com/This_Time_the_World/images/top.pnghttps://www.americannaziparty.com/This_Time_the_World/images/menu.png
(Editor’s Note: The do not predict, they CAUSE, just as prophesied in the Bible)
74 Henry Ford Sr. said of The Protocols, thirty years ago, that they were being ruthlessly fulfilled, which was enough proof for him of their genuineness. Adolf Hitler ten years later said the same thing. Any man who takes the trouble to read these astounding documents will find the same thing. If they were not written by a (Editor’s Note: Renegade Jews against Christ) Jew, they were written with devilish accuracy about the Jews. They enabled humanity, for the first time, to understand what before seemed impossible chaos. All the chaos, the mad 'art', the Communism, the moral filth, the control of the press and entertainment, the development of world wars, the insane setting of labor against capital and vice versa - all these things become calculated elements of a steadily-progressing plan by a nation or race, masquerading throughout the world as a 'religion' in order to accomplish this awful work of destruction under the cover of 'religious tolerance'. https://www.americannaziparty.com/This_Time_the_World/images/top.pnghttps://www.americannaziparty.com/This_Time_the_World/images/menu.png
(Editor’s Note: These evil Jews use prejudice against them, to silence opposition as described in the Protocols)
75 When history is examined, we find this nation steadily and surely progressing toward its goal as "God's Chosen People", who are destined to quietly conquer and subdue the world under the bloody, old-testament despotism of the "King of Zion" (Editor’s Note: The Protocols reveal this King is the Antichrist a Nephilim descendant of Nimrod)
The media and many Internet site scream that the Protocols are a fake, hate literature, and plagiarism. All lies. I did the research and proved it. The Protocols have been suppressed and lied about in strong warnings not to read: by false Christians, Freemasons, Jesuits, and Jewish leaders.
https://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htmZionist plan for world conquest through Jewish world government.

And see my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 2: https://www.amazon.com/Mysteries-History-Revealed-Part-Rebuilding/dp/1511630647/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1503935369&sr=1-1&keywords=auldaney


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